The University of Szeged által honosított fokozatok
The University of Szeged által honosított fokozatok

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honosítás dátuma

Ágnes Csiszár2005-02-03Universitat zu KölnCharacterisation of dof, an essential adaptor molecule in fibroblast growth factor signalling in drosophila melanogasterbiology2013-10-17SzTE
Ágnes Pálfi2001-01-01The University of ArizonaLe secret incommunicable ou l’expérience vécueliterature2005-12-23SzTE
Alessandro Bitonti2009-10-09Università Degli Studi Di TorinoContatti linguistici nella Daunia meridionaleliterature2011-06-30SzTE
Alida Éll2003-06-13Stochkholm UniverstiyBiomimetic Oxidations Catalized by Transition Metal Complexeschemistry2018-04-05SzTE
Alona Biketova2017-05-17University of HaifaSpecies diversity, distribution, and phylogeny of Boletales s. str. of Israel, with special attention to taxonomy of the former Boletus sect. Luridi and the genus Hortiboletusbiology2018-10-11SzTE
András Gábor Bernáth2004-03-31Université catholique de LouvainHamlet, the Gost and the Model Readerliterature2013-12-12SzTE
András István Türke
Université Paris III Sorbonne NouvelleQuel rôle dans le processus de stabilisation à la périphérie de l'Union et dans l'évolution des relations Nord-Sud en liaison avec l'ONU?history2017-04-06SzTE
András Sándor Pluhár1994-05-03Rutgers The State University of New JerseyPositional Games on the Infinite Chessboardmathematics and computing1997-02-27SzTE
Anikó Lipták2002-01-01Universiteit LeidenOn the Syntax of Wh-items in Hungarianlinguistics2002-12-20SzTE
Anna Kovács-Győri2020-02-25Salzburgi EgyetemDefining and Assessing Livability – A GIScience Perspectiveearth sciences2021-10-15SzTE
Arindam Bhattacharjee2018-04-24University of Jawaharlal NehruMechanistic Aspects of Cell Death Induced by Antineoplastic Agents in Human Cancer Cell Linesbiology2018-12-13SzTE
Attila Borics2005-12-17Creighton UniversityConformational Properties of β-Turn Forming Model Tetrapeptides Examined Using a Combination of Theoretical and Experimental Methodstheoretical medicine2007-07-05SzTE
Attila Gyenesei2004-09-16Turkui EgyetemDiscovering Frequent Fuzzy Patterns in Relations of Quantitative Attributescomputer sciences2023-12-14SzTE
Attila Horváth2004-04-02Stockholm UniversityPalladium(II)-Catalyzed Reactions of Allenes with Lithium Bromide and Cyclization of α-Amino Allenes to Pyrrolineschemistry2018-04-05SzTE
Azmeh Aziz Al2007-01-01Oriental Studies from University of OxfordIbn Khaldun munkássága a modern tudományok terén: módszertani tanulmányokhistory2008-06-27SzTE
Bai Jing Peng2020-01-31Kaohsiung Medical UniversityUtilizing transition metal-catalyzed allylation of indol derivativespharmaceutics2021-04-16SzTE
Barna Páll-Gergely2015-03-20Shinshu UniversitySYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE PLECTOPYLIDAE (GASTROPODA: PULMONATA)biology2015-10-22SzTE
Béla Csaba2000-10-01University of New JerseyFinding spanning subgraphs of dense graphsmathematics and computing2002-11-28SzTE
Béla Mihály2014-02-12Babes-Bolyai UniversityA metal complexes of 9-methyladenine and theophyllinechemistry2014-06-05SzTE
Bertalan Bodor2021-12-06Technische Universitat DresdenCSP dichotomy for ω-categorical monadically stable structuresmathematics and computing2023-04-06SzTE
Boglárka Tóth2007-06-14University of AlmeriaInterval methods for competitive location problemsmathematics and computing2007-12-13SzTE
Botond K. Szabó2011-02-02Karolinska UniversityDynamic magnetic resonance imaging of the breast – Imaging features for diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancerclinical medicine2012-06-07SzTE
Brown Eric2006-05-22BostonCollegeReasons Contextualismphilosophy2024-04-04SzTE
Carol Ioan Vekov1999-01-01Bukaresti Történelemtudományi EgyetemInstitutia locurilor de adeverire ȋn Europa Centralȋâ cu specială privire la locul de adeverire din Alba Iuliahistory2015-05-28SzTE
Chi-Ting Hsieh2015-06-01Kaohsiung Medical UniversityResearch of Novel Chalcone Derivatives against Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome for New Drug Developmentpharmaceutics2015-12-10SzTE
Christian MORARU REMUS2018-11-14Bucuresti Közgazdaságtudományi AkadémiaOnline Social value in the hotels online environment (Online társadalmi érték a szállodák online környezetében)economics2021-04-16SzTE
Csilla Keskeny2019-11-11Tübingeni EgyetemThe role of the RNA-Associated Proteins NOT4 and Bam in mRNA Decaybiology2021-02-09SzTE
Csilla Mónika Eszes2000-10-05University of BristolRE-DESIGN OF PROTEINS TO ALTER ENZYMIC ACTIVITIESbiology2002-06-13SzTE
Dániel Csókás2019-05-31Nanyang Technological UniversityThe Intramolecular oxa-Michael Reaction for Tetrahydropyran Formation: Mechanism and Synthesischemistry2022-10-14SzTE
Dániel Kirilly2006-08-01University of Kansas Medical CenterRegulation of somatic stem cell self-renewal by extrinsic factors in the drosophila ovarybiology2007-06-14SzTE
Dóra Szakonyi2006-07-06Universitat zu KölnGenetic dissection of regulatory domains and signalling interactions of prl1 wd-protein in arabidopsisbiology2013-12-12SzTE
Elek Gábor Balogh2012-06-14Cardiff UniverstiyRole of membranes in mammalian stress response: sensing, lipid signals and adaptationbiology2012-12-13SzTE
Elemér Balogh1992-07-01Albert-Ludwigs-UniversitätNémet büntetőjogtörténetlaw1996-02-25SzTE
Elisabeta Ilona Molnar
Bukaresti Közgazdaságtudományi EgyetemTHE OPERATIONALIZATION OF TOURISTIC AIR TRANSPORTeconomics2019-06-06SzTE
Emese Gazdag2000-11-21Université de StrasbourgFunctional study of TBP2 (TATA binding protein 2), a vertebrate-specific homologue of TBPbiology2017-12-07SzTE
Emese Ilona Végh2022-12-07Oxfordi EgyetemHistological, Physicochemical, and Osteogenic Reaction-Related Approaches to Identifying the Pre-Burning Condition of Bonebiology2023-04-06SzTE
Erzsébet Mislovics2009-01-01Hebrew University of JerusalemA magyarországi zsidóság gazdaság- és demográfiatörténete 1700-1830history2010-01-14SzTE
Eszter Farkas2001-04-09University of GroningenCEREBROVASCULAR RISK FACTORS FOR DEMENTIAbiology2001-06-07SzTE
Éva Bálint1997-08-09University of South CarolinaRegulation of expression of the human p53 tumor suppressor genebiology2001-11-29SzTE
Éva Katalin Dékány2012-07-03Universitatis Gromsoeensis UiTA profile of the Hungarian DP: the interaction of lexicalization, agreement and linearization with the funkcitonal sequencelinguistics2013-06-13SzTE
Ferenc Ágoston Bartha2013-08-30University of BergenComputer-aided proofs and algorithms in analysismathematics and computing2018-12-13SzTE
Ferenc Fodor1999-06-11Auburn UniversityExtremum problems for convex sets and finite circle packingsmathematics and computing2002-10-17SzTE
Ferenc Hartung1994-01-01University of Texas at DallasOn classes of functional differential equations with state-dependent delaysmathematics and computing1997-06-19SzTE
Frederico Sollazzo2010-06-30Università Degli Studi Roma TreTra totalitarismo e democrazia: la funzione pubblica dell’eticaphilosophy2011-06-30SzTE
Gábor Báti2019-01-31Nanyangi Műszaki EgyetemFrom Conventional to Unconventional: Glycosylation on Semi-Protected Donors and Syntheses towards Natural Productschemistry2024-05-30SzTE
Gábor Báti2019-01-31Nanyangi Műszaki EgyetemFrom Conventional to Unconventional: Glycosylation on Semi-Protected Donors and Syntheses towards Natural Productschemistry2024-05-30SzTE
Gábor Horváth2011-02-04Pontificia Università GregorianaEd i Paolini nel XVI secolo: Storia e cultohistory2011-12-15SzTE
Gábor London2011-09-23University of GroningenLight-driven molecular motors and switches in confined environmentschemistry2013-12-12SzTE
Gabriel Fenteany1997-06-05Harvard UniversityLactacystin, Proteasome Function and Cell morphologybiology2018-10-11SzTE
Gabriella Kókai1998-09-01Friedrich-Alexander UniversitatDebugging und maschinelles Lernen von PROLOG-Programmencomputer sciences1999-11-11SzTE
Gergely Groma2011-02-02Universitaet KölnCartilage extracellular matrix remodelling an degradation during endochondral ossification: The role of functionally redundant adaptor proteins COMP and matrilin-3clinical medicine2014-12-11SzTE
Géza Gergely Amrus2012-08-02Georg-August-Universitat GöttingenLow intensity transcranial electrical stimulation: effects on categorization and methodolical aspectsbiology2012-12-13SzTE
György Czuppon2009-03-24Osaka UniversityNoble gas compositions of mantle-derived xenoliths from tasmania and north queensland, eastern australiaearth sciences2011-06-09SzTE
György Sipos1995-11-28Universitat FreiburgBiosynthesis and subcellular transport of GPI-anchored lipids and proteinsbiology2018-06-07SzTE
Haihua Wu2017-11-09Kínai Tudományos Akadémia KémiaiFizikai IntézeteThe Electrocatalytic Properties of Transition Metal-nitrogen-carbon Complexeschemistry2018-04-05SzTE
Hao-Chun Hu2022-06-01Kaohsiungi Orvostudományi EgyetemDiscovery of Natural Products with Assistance of In SilicoMethods on Structure Elucidation and Synthesis of Evodiamine and Rutaecarpine Analogs Using a Ball Mill Apparatuspharmaceutics2023-12-14SzTE
Ildikó Gyollai2014-04-29Universitat WienMineralogical, petrological and geochemical studies of neoproterozoic sturtian (750 Ma) and Marinoan (635 Ma) postglacial transition layers in otavi group, nw-namibiaearth sciences2014-12-11SzTE
István Estélyi
University of LjubljanaHaar graphsmathematics and computing2020-06-02SzTE
István Jánk2018-08-27Universiza Konstantina Filozofa V NitreNyelvi diszkrimináció és nyelvi előítéletesség a pedagógiai értékelésébenlinguistics2019-04-04SzTE
István János Kovács2008-11-13Australian National UniversityWater in the nominally anhydrous minerals of the upper mantle: analytical and experimental developmentsearth sciences2011-06-09SzTE
István Takáts2017-01-01Pontificia Università GregorianaIl senso della storia e il ruolo della Provvidenza in Jacques-Bénigne Bossuethistory2019-12-12SzTE
Izabella Babcsányi2015-05-19Université de StrasbourgLe transport et le fractionnement isotipique du cuivre dans un agrosystèmeearth sciences2018-10-11SzTE
János Bartók2003-01-01Université Lumière LyonUn instrument de travail dominicain pour les prédicateurs du XIII. siécle: Les Sermones de evangeliis dominicalibus de Hugues de Saint-Cher (+1263) Edition et étudehistory2005-12-23SzTE
János Herzog2007-01-01La SapientiaDie Enstehung der Battaglia als musikalische Gattungliterature2008-06-27SzTE
János Lemberger1993-01-01University of ZagrebA modifikált elektrosokk hatása a szomatotrop hormon és inzulin szekréciójára elmebetegekentheoretical medicine2005-12-23SzTE
János Urbancsok2018-11-16Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyEndogenous biological effects induced by externally supplemented glucosinolate hydrolysis products (GHPs) on Arabidopsis thalianabiology2019-04-04SzTE
Jasmina Lukić2001-06-10University of BegradeHlatno runo kao metaprozaliterature2008-01-10SzTE
József Mihály1998-12-11Université de GenéveMolecular genetic analysis of the Abd-B3' cis-regulatory region of the bithorax complex in Drosophilabiology2000-03-23SzTE
József Simon2008-01-01Georg-August-Universität GöttingenDie Religionsphilosophie Christian Franckens – Atheismus und radikale Reformation im frühneuzeitlichen Ostmitteleuropaphilosophy2008-06-27SzTE
Judit Antal2003-01-01Ohio State UniversityFit indices for the Rasch modeleducational sciences2012-06-07SzTE
Karri Pentti Pietari Lämsä2000-12-22University of HelsinkiGABAA Receptor-Mediated Excitation in the Hippocampus of Adult and Newborn ratsbiology2018-04-05SzTE
Katalin Janigáné Prokai2013-01-01Otto-von-Guericke-Universität MadeburgAfinite Nebensatz-konstruktionen und ihre Geschichtelinguistics2014-12-11SzTE
Katalin Mecseki2014-02-01Imperial College LondonAn ultrafast optical parametric laser for driving high energy density sciencephysics2024-04-04SzTE
Kund Miklós Regényi1994-01-01Ruprecht-Karls-Universität HeidelbergDie Ungarischen Konvente der Oberdeutschen Karmeli-tenprovinz im Mittelalterhistory2001-12-14SzTE
Kuo Ching-Ying
Kaohsiung Medical University, TaiwanInvestigation of the anticancer mechanisms for natural products and synthetic compoundspharmaceutics2017-06-08SzTE
László Gál2016-06-24Instytut Biologii Doswiadczalnej im. Marcelego Nenckiego Polskiej Akademii NaukIntegration of grafted motoneurones into the host spinal cord circuitry - functional and morphological investigationstheoretical medicine2023-04-06SzTE
László Odrobina2006-01-01Pontificia Universita LateranenseLe CTh 3,7,2 et les mariages mextes (A CTh 3,7,2 és a vegyes házasságok.)history2007-01-12SzTE
László Szabó1990-08-30Ohio State UniversityOn Ergodic and Martingale Theorems in Orlicz Spacesmathematics and computing2002-06-13SzTE
László Zádori1991-08-11University of Illinois at ChicagoALGEBRAS, CONSTRAINT SATISFACTION AND SOLVABILITY OF SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONSmathematics and computing1996-06-14SzTE
Laura Tráser-Vas2008-01-01Humbold UniversitätOrbis puctus: Intermedialität zwischen Berliner Standtmalerei und literarischer Stadterfahrung dergestellt anhand der Werke von E.T.A. Hoffmann und Wilhelm Raabe+literature2009-01-16SzTE
Lorenzo Marmiroli
Sapienza Universitá di RomaGli intellettuali e la transizione dalla neutralità all'intervento: un confronto tra riviste culturali italiane e austro-ungariche (1914-1915)literature2020-06-02SzTE
Maria Anna Lugaro2001-10-09Monash UnoversityNucleosynthesis in AGB Starsphysics2018-06-07SzTE
Mária Kocsisné Pető2014-11-14Harvard UniversityApplication of noble gas isotopic systems to identify mantle heterogeneitiesphysics2018-10-11SzTE
Márk Balázs Vinkovits2015-07-09RWTH Aachen UniversityTrustMUSE: A Model-Driven Approach for Making Trust Management Widely Applicablecomputer sciences2016-10-20SzTE
Márk Jelasity2001-01-01Leiden UniversityThe Shape of Evolitionary Search: Discovering and Representing Search Space Structurecomputer sciences2001-11-29SzTE
Márkó Szilveszter Mácskovich2013-03-25Osaka UniversityInnovation in Refugee Protection Delivery An Appraisal of Technology-based Solutionslaw2013-12-12SzTE
Marsha Siefert2007-01-01University of PennsylvaniaMediating Opera for America: Magazine Biographies, Opera Singers and National Identityliterature2008-06-27SzTE
Márta Fidrich1997-06-17Université Paris XI.Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopycomputer sciences1999-02-27SzTE
Márta Szabina Pápai2017-11-21Pompeu Fabra EgyetemBehavioral and electroppysiological correlates of cross-modal enchancement for unware visual eventsclinical medicine2023-12-14SzTE
Márton Róth2009-01-01La SapienzaLa città felice di Francesco Patrizi da Cherso e le utopie del Cinque e del Seicentoliterature2010-06-30SzTE
Márton Venczel1996-10-23Kolozsvári Babes-Bolyai TudományegyetemA kígyófauna eredete és fejlődése a Körösök vidékénbiology2023-04-06SzTE
Máté Márton Rácz2017-07-13Leicesteri EgyetemContested Contexts: The articulation of critically-oriented business and management schools in the UKeconomics2021-04-16SzTE
Melinda Mihály2021-06-21Lipcsei EgyetemAutonomy and Empowerment: Social and Solidarity Economy Initiatives and Local Development in Peripheralised Areas of Germany and Hungaryearth sciences2022-05-26SzTE
Melvin Prasad2016-04-11Mysore-i EgyetemRole of mitogen activated protein kinases in pearl millet defense against downy mildewbiology2023-06-08SzTE
Michael Charles Abbott2009-05-24Brown UniversitySemi-classical Approaches to Quantum Gravity and String Theory Solitonsphysics2018-10-11SzTE
Mónika Angéla Polner2005-11-17University of TwenteGalerkin least-squares stabilization operators for the navier-stokes equations a unified approachmathematics and computing2007-12-13SzTE

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