Current thesis topic proposals of The Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
Current thesis topic proposals of The Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Zsolt SzabóMetasurface based antennas for 5G systems2024-12-31PPKE
Sándor PongorBioinformatics, proteomics2024-12-31PPKE
András HorváthDevice level solution of optimization problems2024-12-31PPKE
Attila Csikász-NagyDynamical modelling of biological regulatory networks2024-12-31PPKE
Kristóf IvánLab-on-a-chip bionic interfaces, brain electrodes2024-12-31PPKE
Csaba BenedekAutomatic Analysis and Visualization of Medical Image Data2024-12-31PPKE
István Zoltán RegulyMany-core processors in scientific computing2024-12-31PPKE
Gábor PrószékyHuman language technologies, artificial understanding2024-12-31PPKE
György Csaba
Ádám Papp
Development of magnonic computing devices2024-12-31PPKE
Kálmán TornaiProcessing Sensor Network Data with Sensor Fusion2024-12-31PPKE
László István GájerHistory of Ethics - Ethical Arguments2025-01-31PPKE
László István GájerPolitical philosophy2025-01-31PPKE
Máté GárdonyiHistory of the Catholic Devotions in the Modern Era2025-01-31PPKE
Máté GárdonyiCatholicism in the Modern Society2025-01-31PPKE
Mihály LaurinyeczThe moral-theological meaning and the history of the moral conscience2025-01-31PPKE
Mihály LaurinyeczThe esamination of the life of the family as a virtue of the catholic moral theology.2025-01-31PPKE
Mihály LaurinyeczThe moral responsibility according to the social teaching of the Catholic Church.2025-01-31PPKE
Zoltán FeketeIn vitro and in vivo investigation of implantable MEMS devices2024-12-31PPKE
Zoltán GáspáriInvestigation of proteins in neural transmission2024-12-31PPKE
György CsereySpatial-temporal motion analysis based neuromorphic robot-control2024-12-31PPKE
Mihály KovácsInfinite dimensional deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems: analysis and numerics2024-12-31PPKE
Gábor PrószékyMachine translation2024-12-31PPKE
Ákos ZarándyMachine vision and learning2024-12-31PPKE
Ákos ZarándyResearch of data fusion algoritms for autonomous vehicle control2024-12-31PPKE
Csaba Benedek3D environment perception based on multi-modal spatial data2024-12-31PPKE
Franciska Vidáné dr. ErdőInvestigation of membrane transporter interactions in rodents using microdialysis techniques (The effect of aging, dermal transporters, BCRP at the blood-brain barrier)2024-12-31PPKE
József LaczkóMotor Control and Neurorehabilitation2024-12-31ITK
Andrea CilibertoEmergence of resistance to antimitotic drugs2024-12-31IFOM
Imre KocsisOld Testament Quotes and References in the Books of the New Testament2025-01-31HTK
Levente Balázs MartosAn exegetical and theological evaluation of the Book of Ecclesiastes, with special reference to the concept of time2025-01-31HTK
Levente Balázs MartosNew approaches to the interpretation of so-called biblical prehistory2025-01-31HTK

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