The University of Debrecen által honosított fokozatok
The University of Debrecen által honosított fokozatok

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honosítás dátuma

Miklós ZrínyiMiklós Zrínyi1999-08-13Case Western Reserve UniversityDeterminants of Adherence Behaviors and Health Outcomes of Patients with Chronic Renal Failuregeneral health sciences2017-05-03DE
Troy Brian WiwczaroskiTroy Brian Wiwczaroski
Washington University in St. LouisDesire, Ambiguity and the Problem of Evil: Approaches to Gottfried von Strassburg's Tristanliterature2001-01-29DE
Zoltán VokóZoltán Vokó
Erasmus Universiteit RotterdamEtiology and prevention of strokegeneral health sciences2006-05-10DE
Kubelka VojtechKubelka Vojtech2018-09-14Univerzita Karlova v PrazeSignificance of predation for breeding ecology and conservation in shorebirdsenvironmental sciences2019-09-25DE
Mária VofkoriMária Vofkori
Babes-Bolyai TudományegyetemTársadalmi és gazdasági változások az udvarhelyszéki Havasalján a 17-18. századbanhistory2002-02-04DE
Krisztián VinczeKrisztián Vincze
Universität WienSelbstsuche und Selbstverlust – zu anthropologischen Parallelen zwischen Sören Kierkegaards „Entweder-Oder” und Friedrich Nietzsches „Geburt der Tragödie”philosophy2010-03-24DE
Viktor VeszprémiViktor Veszprémi
Purdue UniversitySearch for the standard model Higgs bostoni n proton-antiproton collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeVphysics2013-05-08DE
Tamás VéghseöTamás Véghseö
Pontificia Universitá GregorianaÁgoston Benkovich OSPPE (1630/31-1702) e la riforma cattolica nell’Ungheriahistory2005-05-10DE
Miklós Koppány VassányiMiklós Koppány Vassányi
Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenAnima mundi – The Rise of the World Soul Theory in German Enlightenment and Early Romanticism Examined in the Perspective of the Relation between the Finite and the Infinitephilosophy2009-11-25DE
Márton VarjuMárton Varju
The University of HullOn divergence in European Human Rights Laws-the European Convention on Human Rights and European Community Law- a Claim of Non-Divergencelaw2008-11-05DE
Rita Éva VargaRita Éva Varga2016-02-02Friedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaGeneration and characterization of a murine model for Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia SPG11theoretical medicine2016-09-21DE
György Csaba Varga1996-10-23Babes-Bolyai TudományegyetemToplogikus módszerek az optimalizálásbanmathematics and computing2016-09-21DE
Judit VáradiJudit Váradi2010-06-08Jyväskylän YliopistoHow to educate an audience to acquire a taste for classical music?educational sciences2014-02-12DE
Karen Lee Uray (Davis)Karen Lee Uray (Davis)1997-08-08The University of TexasThe Effects of Cardiac Edema on Myocardial Fibrosispharmaceutics2016-03-16DE
László TrefánLászló Trefán2011-11-24The University of EdinburghDevelopment of Empirical Models for Pork Qualityanimal husbandry2024-01-31DE
György Trefán
University of North TexasDeterministic Bowian Motionphysics2011-07-06DE
László TóthLászló Tóth
Babes-Bolyai TudományegyetemReguláris konvolúciókkal értelmezett számelméleti függvényekmathematics and computing2003-02-19DE
Ágnes TörökÁgnes Török2011-04-12Jyväskylän Yliopisto"Tree planted by streams of water." The hymnal of Gallus huszár of 1560; hymns, canticles and paraphrasesliterature2015-04-13DE
Szabolcs TengelySzabolcs Tengely
Universiteit LeidenEffective Methods for Diophantine Equationsmathematics and computing2006-05-10DE
Miroszláv SztojkaMiroszláv Sztojka2015-12-15Vaszil Sztefanik Kárpát-melléki Nemzeti EgyetemMatrix representations groups and crossed group rings over local commutative ringsmathematics and computing2022-10-05DE
Péter SzodorayPéter Szodoray
Universitetet i BergenThe role of B-cells in the pathogenesis of systemic autoimmune diseases. Impaired processes involving B-cell activating factor and apoptosisclinical medicine2006-02-07DE
Dorottya Sziszkoszné HalászDorottya Sziszkoszné Halász
Texas Christian UniversityThe War Refugee Board and the Destruction of Hungarian Jewryhistory2001-05-04DE
József Székely (Ifj.)2006-05-12The University of Missouri-ColumbiaStudies of natural products that reveal novel strategies for efficient modification of DNAchemistry2015-05-11DE
László SzathmáryLászló Szathmáry
L'université Henri-PoincaréSymbolic Data Mining Methods with the Coron Platformcomputer sciences2008-06-27DE
Zoltán SzabóZoltán Szabó2019-11-13Oulun YliopistoModulation of connective tissue growth factor and activin receptor 2b function in cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosistheoretical medicine2022-03-30DE
Tamás József Szabó
University of MissouriEnergy Transfer at Gas-Liquid Interface: Towards Energetic Materialschemistry2008-06-27DE
Orsolya Katalin SzabóOrsolya Katalin Szabó
Università degli Studi di Roma La SapienzaMultilingualism in the European Union Democratic Aspirations in the era of Post-Nationalismlinguistics2024-06-26DE
Anikó Stágel2010-02-09Universita degli Studi di TorinoConstruction of an interspecific linkage map and development of new tools for genetic analyses in eggplantplant breeding and botany2023-05-10DE
Judit Sóvágó
Karolinska InstitutetMethodological Advances in the Examination of the Dopamine System in Brainclinical medicine2006-05-10DE
Zoltán SimonZoltán Simon
Texas Christian UniversityThe double-edged sword: The technological sublime in american novelsliterature2004-05-07DE
István SerákIstván Serák
Paris-Lordon-Universität SalzburgDie Grunddienstbarkeiten in Österreich und Ungarnlaw2013-05-08DE
Beáta ScholtzBeáta Scholtz
University of Nebraska(...)theoretical medicine2003-09-29DE
Csaba SchneiderCsaba Schneider
Australian National UniversitySome results on the derived series of finite p-groupsmathematics and computing2003-11-05DE
Márta Sárosiné SzabóMárta Sárosiné Szabó2013-06-11Jyväskylän YliopistoThe life-work of Hans Koessler and the influence of his teaching activity on 20th century Hungarian musiceducational sciences2014-02-12DE
György SárosiGyörgy Sárosi
Jyväskylän YliopistoA hegedűjáték történeti, pedagógiai és metodikai háttereeducational sciences2013-06-27DE
Attila SalamonAttila Salamon
National University of Ireland, University College DublinMaternal investment – and its constraints – in the egg of domestic waterfowlanimal husbandry2022-01-26DE
Ralph RühlRalph Rühl
Freie Universität BerlinUntersuchungen zur Pharmakokinetik von Retinoiden und deren Glukuronide zum Verständnis deren embryotoxischer Wirkungpharmaceutics2007-04-03DE
György RákosiGyörgy Rákosi
Universiteit UtrechtDative experiencer predicatives in Hungarianlinguistics2007-05-09DE
Norbert RadácsiNorbert Radácsi
Delft University of TechnologyProcess intensification in crystallization: submicron particle generation using alternative energy formsphysics2013-05-08DE
Gábor PszotaGábor Pszota
Purdue UniversityProbing Black Holes with X-raysphysics2012-04-23DE
Ferenc PozsonyFerenc Pozsony1997-07-23Babes-Bolyai TudományegyetemSzász hatás az erdélyi magyar jeles napi szokásokbanethnography and cultural anthropology2014-02-12DE
Tibor PogányTibor Pogány1986-12-18Belgrádi TudományegyetemSzinguláris sztochasztikus folyamatok, Pádé-approximáció és közép négyzetes approximációmathematics and computing2014-02-12DE
Eliisa Mirjami PitkäsaloEliisa Mirjami Pitkäsalo
Jyväskylän YliopistoHősök és narratívák. Kalevalai Alakok Johanna Sinisalo Hősök című regényébenliterature2011-03-23DE
Árpád PéterffyÁrpád Péterffy
Karolinska InstitutetSurgical management of tricuspid valvular diseaseclinical medicine2002-02-04DE
Éva PappÉva Papp2004-04-26The University of Western AustraliaMapping the conductivity structure of the Keringal Gold Deposit, Western Australia: development and implementation of a statistics-based method for modelling and interpretation of transient electromagearth sciences2019-11-13DE
Margit PapMargit Pap
Babes-Bolyai TudományegyetemDifferential subordinations and applicationsmathematics and computing2003-02-19DE
Ibolya PálIbolya Pál
The Queen’s University of BelfastAnion selective electrodes: design and characterisation of recognition systemschemistry2013-11-13DE
Paolo OrruPaolo Orru2016-04-15Universita degli Studi di CagliariRazzismo quotidiano: la rappresentazione dello strniero nella stampa italiana (2000-2010)linguistics2016-09-21DE
Zsuzsanna Oltyán2013-10-03Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie din Tirgu MuresContemporary approach to orthodontic prevention and fixed therapy in class III malocclusionclinical medicine2016-09-21DE
Ágnes ÓdriÁgnes Ódri2018-12-14University of Cape TownOxygen and radiogenic isotope constraints on the generation of coexisting silica-undersaturated and oversaturated felsic magmas of the Ditrau Alkaline Massif (Romania)earth sciences2021-09-15DE
Borbála Anna ObrusánszkyBorbála Anna Obrusánszky
Mongol Állami EgyetemA nesztoriánus vallás elterjedése és jelentősége Belső-Ázsiábanethnography and cultural anthropology2006-02-07DE
Tamás NovákTamás Novák
Radboud Universiteit NijmegenBose-Einstein Correlations in e+e Annihilationphysics2010-03-24DE
Iourii NesterovIourii Nesterov1984-06-14Irányítástudományi IntézetEfficient Methods in Nonlinear Programmingmathematics and computing2023-11-08DE
Zoltán NémethZoltán Németh2010-07-30The University of Southern MississippiInformation acquisition and sociality among migratory birdsbiology2015-05-11DE
István NémethIstván Németh
The City University of New YorkCoherently Pumped Micromasersphysics2009-09-17DE
Balázs József NemesBalázs József Nemes
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität FreiburgEya herregot, wer hat dis buoch gemachet? Textstatus und Autorschaft des ›Fließenden Lichts der Gottheit‹ Mechthilds von Magdeburgliterature2013-02-14DE
István NándoriIstván Nándori
Technische Universität DresdenAspects of Non-Perturbative Renormalizationphysics2011-10-25DE
Gergely György Nagy
University of GlasgowGlutamát receptorok a gerincvelőbentheoretical medicine2005-03-01DE
Dániel György MucsDániel György Mucs
University of ManchesterComputational methods for prediction of protein-ligand interactionspharmaceutics2013-06-27DE
Zsolt Molnár-KovácsZsolt Molnár-Kovács2005-09-211918. December 1. EgyetemAz Otomani kultúra Északnyugat Romániában. Adatok a Károlyi-síkság és az Ér völgyének középső bronzkori fejlődéstörténetéhezhistory2019-09-25DE
Etele MolnárEtele Molnár
Universitetet i BergenCovariant description of particle emission from high energy fluidsphysics2012-07-11DE
Csaba MiskeyCsaba Miskey
Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinMolecular Resurrection of Two Highly Active Vertebrate Transposable Elements for Genetic Applicationstheoretical medicine2009-10-29DE
Péter LosoncziPéter Losonczi
Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenScience and Transcendence: On the Apologetic Potentials of the Cartesian Philosophyphilosophy2007-05-09DE
Szabolcs LengyelSzabolcs Lengyel
University of NevadaAdopting behavior and breeding biology of avocets: Benefits of large broods to good parents?biology2002-10-30DE
Erkko Tapio LehtonenErkko Tapio Lehtonen2007-11-14Tampere University of TechnologyOperations on Finite Sets, Functional Composition, and Ordered Setsmathematics and computing2019-06-26DE
Árpád István LányiÁrpád István Lányi
University of NebraskaCharacterization of the molecular interactions of the SLAM associated small adaptor protein, SAPtheoretical medicine2003-09-29DE
Miklós LaczikMiklós Laczik
Université de LiègeImprovement of the ChIP-seq technique for histone posttranslational modifications through enhanced laboratory protocols and data processing methodsbiology2021-07-01DE
Gábor KusperGábor Kusper
Johannes Kepler Universität LinzSolving and Simplifying the propositional Satisfiability Problem by Sub-Model Propagationmathematics and computing2006-10-31DE
Zita Margit Krassay
Chiba UniversityLarge scale Miocene igneous activity at the NE part of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region, Central Europe – Geochemical implications for tectonic processesearth sciences2010-09-28DE
Tibor Kovács1996-06-19Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversitätAz oosponol nevű gombatoxin teljes szintézise és hatásmechanizmusának vizsgálatachemistry2006-02-07DE
Róbert KovácsRóbert Kovács2010-09-22Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ZürichDevelopment of direct atmospheric sampling for laser aglation introductively plasma-mass spectometrychemistry2013-11-13DE
István Béla KovácsIstván Béla Kovács
University of KentuckyInvertibility preserving maps on C* -algebrasmathematics and computing2008-09-25DE
Ábrahám KovácsÁbrahám Kovács
University of EdinburghThe History of the Free Church of Scotland’s Mission to the Jews in Budapest, and its impact on the Hungarian Reformed Church, 1841-1914history2005-05-10DE
László Kormányos2007-04-23Babes-Bolyai TudományegyetemMindennapi élet Nagyváradon 1900-1940history2018-05-16DE
Zeren KorkuluZeren Korkulu2014-09-24Kocaeli ÜniversitesiReaction cross section measurements by characteristic gamma and X-rays: alpha capture reaction on Sb-121physics2019-11-13DE
Zoltán KoncZoltán Konc2013-04-04Universidad de GranadaStructure and Composition of the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle in Convergent Settings - Insights from Mantle Xenoliths Alkaline Magmatismearth sciences2018-03-28DE
Renáta KnopRenáta Knop2013-01-21Bánáti Agrártudományi és Állatorvostudományi EgyetemBilantul energetic negativ corelat cu fertilitatea si starea de sanatate a vaciloranimal husbandry2023-05-10DE
Szabolcs KissSzabolcs Kiss
Anglia Ruskin UniversityWorkplace Selection Preferences of Electrical Engineering Students at Hungarian Universitiesbusiness and management2024-06-26DE
Ágnes Király2018-10-23Vaszil Sztefanik Kárpát-melléki Nemzeti EgyetemA serdülők ellenálló képességének kialakítása a személyiségük elleni bűncselekményekkel szembenpsychology2020-07-01DE
András Péter Keszei
University of TorontoRole of the thiazide-sensitive sodium chloride cotransporter in hypertensiongeneral health sciences2008-04-16DE
Gábor KecskemétiGábor Kecskeméti2011-10-05University of WestminsterFoundations of Efficient Virtual Appliance Based Service Deploymentscomputer sciences2014-11-12DE
Fuyuki KarubeFuyuki Karube
University of TokyoThe mechanism of behavioural changes elicited by copulation in the silkworm mothanimal husbandry2007-04-03DE
Tamás Béla Kanyó
l'Université de FribourgGrenzen der zivilen Sphäre hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang. Möglichkeiten von autonomen Gruppierungen in der Volksrepublik Ungarn (1975-1985)history2009-09-30DE
Pawel KamasaPawel Kamasa
Uniwersytet im. Adama MickiewiczaMethod of sensitivity enhancement in deuterium Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy by digital phase-sensitivity detectionphysics2002-10-30DE
William JonesWilliam Jones2019-09-05Uppsala UniversitetAvian Malaria and Interspecific Interactions in Ficedula Flycatchersbiology2021-03-31DE
Ulrich David JentschuraUlrich David Jentschura1999-07-28Technische Universität DresdenQuantum Electrodynamic Radiative Corrections in Bound Systemsphysics2017-11-08DE
Péter Jeager
University of StrathclydeBeavatkozások kora kamaszkorú tanulók tervezési gondolkodásábapsychology2003-11-05DE
Ferenc JankaFerenc Janka
Pontificia Universitá GregorianaTrialektikphilosophy2013-11-13DE
Klára IonescuKlára Ionescu
Babes-Bolyai TudományegyetemFastruktúrákmathematics and computing2013-09-25DE
Július HorváthJúlius Horváth
Southern Illinois UniversityEmpirical Essays on Macroeconomic Interdependence among Countrieseconomics2003-04-30DE
István HidegkutiIstván Hidegkuti
Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenCategories and Dimensionspsychology2007-10-30DE
Zoltán HalasiZoltán Halasi
Central European UniversityOn the representations of solvable linear groupsmathematics and computing2010-04-27DE
Dóra GyőrffyDóra Győrffy
Harvard UniversityGlobalization, Democratic Quality and Institutional Change: The new Political Economy of Siscal Management Reformseconomics2006-10-31DE
Gábor GutaGábor Guta2012-06-26Johannes Kepler UniversitätModel-to-Text Transformation by Examplescomputer sciences2018-01-31DE
László GulácsiLászló Gulácsi
Universitait van AmsterdamHungarian Health care in Transition; Studies on the Improvement of the Effectivieness of Health care in Hungary by Implementing Quality Assurancegeneral health sciences2001-10-29DE
Arnold GucsikArnold Gucsik
Universität WienUsage of cathodoluminescence and Raman analyses in shock metamorphic studiesearth sciences2008-05-13DE
Nóra Ilona GrasselliNóra Ilona Grasselli
Hautes Etudes Commerciales ParisMBA Learning Group Dynamics: Structures and Processesbusiness and management2009-06-30DE
Zsuzsanna GönyeZsuzsanna Gönye
Stony Brook UniversityThe Dimenson of Escaping Geodesicsmathematics and computing2009-06-30DE
Christian Glenn Brian
University of OxfordAspects of thin ladder mechanical designphysics2008-09-25DE
Frigyes Gecse
Ungvári Állami EgyetemTöbb komplexváltozós egész függvények és vektorfüggvények bizonyos tételeimathematics and computing2009-11-12DE

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