The Central European University, Budapest által honosított fokozatok
The Central European University, Budapest által honosított fokozatok

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honosítás dátuma

Miklós Koren2005-06-09Harvard UniversityVolatility, Development, and International Tradeeconomics2009-12-20KEE
Jolanta Rzegocka2004-06-17Central European University, New YorkReligious Drama and Performance in Early Modern Krakowhistory2011-10-25KEE
Andrzej Baniak1996-01-30European University InstituteFour Essays on Multimarket Oligopolyeconomics2007-10-04KEE
Michael Laurence Miller2004-02-11Columbia UniversityRabbis and revolution: A study in nineteenth-century Moravian Jewryhistory2008-03-12KEE
Szilárd Benk2009-06-18Central European University, New YorkEssays on Monetary Business Cycle with Crediteconomics2020-10-29KEE
Judit Majorossy2006-06-15Central European University, New York" Church in town : urban religious life in late medieval Pressburg in the mirror of last wills"history2006-09-26KEE
Niels Henrik Gaul2008-01-17Bonn UniversityEine dritte Sophistik? Thomas Magistros (um 1280- um 1347/48) in Kontext seiner Zeitgenossen. Untersuchungen zu Funktion und gesellschaftlicher Stellung der Gelehrten in der frühen Palaiologenzeithistory2008-06-16KEE
Balázs Muraközy2008-06-19Central European University, New YorkSpillovers from FDI in Hungaryeconomics2012-06-04KEE
Péter Grajzl2005-08-19University of MarylandEssays in Comparative Institutional Economicseconomics2007-06-05KEE
Roumen Daskalov1988-12-06University of Sofia (St. Kliment Ohridski)Doctoral thesis on the comparative historical sociology of Max Weberhistory2007-10-04KEE
Ádám Gábor Zawadovski2010-06-01Princeton UniversityEssays in Financeeconomics2016-12-08KEE
Éva Deák2009-06-18Central European University, New YorkExpressing the Elite Status Through Clothing in Early Modern Europe: The Examples of Gabriel Bethlen and Cahterine of Brandenburghistory2010-04-07KEE
Ádám Szentpéteri2007-06-14Central European University, New YorkGovernment Objectives, Incentives, and Privatizationeconomics2008-06-16KEE
Róbert Pál Lieli2004-09-04University of CaliforniaThree Essays on the Prediction of Binary Variableseconomics2013-11-25KEE
Anil Duman2006-09-01University of Massachusetts" Labor market characteristics and the determinants of political support for social insurance"economics2007-06-05KEE
Andrea Weber2002-05-27Technische Universitat WienEssay on Econometric Applications in Labour Economicseconomics2018-09-24KEE
Péter Kondor2006-10-31London School of Economics and Political ScienceHigher-Order Expectations, Risky Arbitrage and Professional Investorseconomics2011-03-28KEE
Jacek Kochanowicz1976-05-04Varsói Egyetem"Úrbéri parasztgazdaságok működése a Lengyel Királyságban a XIX.század első felében"economics2007-10-04KEE
Árpád Welker2007-06-14Central European University, New YorkJewish politics in Hungary : jewish parliamentary politicians 1867-1890history2008-03-12KEE
Gábor Mihály Tóth2014-08-05Balliol College, University of OxfordKnowledge and Thinking in Renaissance Florence: A Computer-Assisted Analysis of the Diaries and Commonplace Books of Giovanni Rucellai and his Contemporarieshistory2014-08-26KEE
Balázs Trencsényi2005-06-16Central European UniversityEarly-modern discourses of nationhoodhistory2001-06-05KEE
Dániel Horn2010-06-17Central European University, New YorkEssays on Educational Institutions and Inequality of Opportunityeconomics2012-06-04KEE
Ülle Sillasoo2003-06-18Central European University, New YorkPlant Depictions in Late Medieval Religious Art in Southern Central Europe; An Archaeobotanical Approachhistory2011-10-25KEE
Attila Rátfai1999-12-19University of MichiganOn the Microeconomic Origins and Macroeconomic Consequences of Lumpy Firm Level Pricing Decisionseconomics2007-10-04KEE
Valentina Grajzl-Dimitrova2006-05-21University of MarylandEssays on the Historical and Current Institutional Development of South-East and Central European Stateseconomics2008-03-12KEE
Kyra Lyublyanovics2015-06-21Central European University, New YorkThe socio-economic integration of Cumans in medieval Hungary. An archaeozoological approachhistory2022-12-15KEE
Péter Benczúr2001-02-21Massachusetts Institute of TechnologySovereign Lending Spreadseconomics2007-03-13KEE
László Karácsonyi2007-03-09Ludwig-Maximilians-UnversitätIm Sog Berlins : Die deutsch-ungarischen diplomatischen Beziehungen von Mai 1938 bis September 1939history2008-12-01KEE
Gábor István Békés2007-06-14Central European University, New YorkFDI Location and Spillover: Evidence from Hungaryeconomics2012-06-04KEE
Hajnalka Tarjáni2006-12-16Monash University"A szakképzettség-intenzív technológiai fejlődés és a kereskedelem néhány munkaerőpiaci hatásának becslése Magyarországon, 1980 és 2002 között"economics2007-10-04KEE
Dóra Bobory2007-06-14Central European University, New YorkBoldizsar Batthyany (c.1542-1590) : Erudation, natural sciences, patronage and friendship in the life of a sixteenth-century Hungarian noblemanhistory2007-10-04KEE
Gitta Tóth2002-04-22The University of The State of New YorkBankruptcy Regulations and Bankruptcy in Practiceeconomics2020-07-06KEE
Gergely Csorba2006-06-15Central European University, New YorkThree Essays on Monopolist Second-degree Discrimination Strategies in the Presence of Positive Network Effectseconomics2006-09-26KEE
Ildikó Csepregi2007-10-10Central European University, New YorkThe compositional history of Greek Christian incubation miracle collections : Saint Thecla, Saint Cosmas and Damian, Saint Cyrus and John, Saint Artemioshistory2008-06-16KEE
Botond Kőszegi2000-06-02Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyEssays in Behavioral Economicseconomics2012-11-14KEE
Francisca Maria De Haan1992-06-25Erasmus University RotterdamSekse op kantoorhistory2007-06-05KEE
Gábor Szegedi2014-06-21Central European University, New YorkGood Health is the Best Dowry: Marriage Counseling, Premarital Examinations, Sex Education in Hungary, 1920-1952history2016-04-18KEE
Anna Lovász2008-08-22University of WashingtonCompetition and Employer Discrimination: New Evidence from the Hungarian Transitioneconomics2011-01-25KEE
Constantin Iordachi2004-06-17Central European University, New YorkFrom the "Right of the Natives" to "Constitutional Nationalism". The Making of Romanian Citizenship, 1817-1919history2007-10-04KEE
Ottó Gecser2007-06-14Central European University, New YorkAspects of the cult of St. Elizabeth of Hungary with a special emphasis on preaching, 1231-c.1500history2008-03-12KEE
Hubert János Kis2009-06-22Universidad de AlicanteThree Essays on Bank Runseconomics2013-11-25KEE
Cristian Nicolae Gaspar2006-11-15Central European University, New YorkIn praise of unlikely holy men : elite hagiography monastic panegyric and cultural translation in the Philotheos historia of Theodoret bishop of Cyrrhushistory2007-06-05KEE
Michael Ignatieff1976-11-01Harvard UniversityA Just Measure of Pain: Penitentiaries in the Industrial Revolution 1780-1850history2016-06-22KEE
Eric Beckett Weaver2008-07-18University of OxfordRevision and its Modes; Hungary's attempts to overturn the Treaty of Trianon 1931-1938history2011-07-07KEE
Előd Takáts2006-11-18Princeton UniversityThree Essays on Information and Incentiveseconomics2007-10-04KEE
Anikó Eszter Bartha2007-06-14Central European University, New YorkAlienating labor : workers on the road from socialism to capitalism in East Germany and Hungary (1968-1989)history2008-03-12KEE
Szabolcs László2022-10-31Indiana UniversityTranscending the Cold War: Cultural and Scholarly Interactions Between Hungary and the U.S. (1960s-1970s)history2023-06-26KEE
István Tamás Kónya2001-06-15Northwestern UniversityEssays on International Trade, Migration and Cultureeconomics2001-03-13KEE

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