Defenses announced by The Central European University, Budapest
Defenses announced by The Central European University, Budapest

name of doctoral candidate

thesis supervisor



title of thesis

date of decision of DS
Adam Mestyan,Marsha Siefert2011-09-23 11:00:00“A garden with mellow fruits of refinement” - Music Theatres and Cultural Politics in Cairo and Istanbul, 1867-18922012-01-17
Ádám MézesLászló KontlerGábor Klaniczay2020-06-03 11:00:00Doubt and Diagnosis: Medical Experts and the Returning Dead of the Southern Habsburg Borderland (1718-1766)2020-07-06
Adela-Gabriela HincuBalázs Trencsényi2019-04-26 14:15:00Accounting for the “Social” in State Socialist Romania, 1960s–1980s: Context and Genealogies2019-07-09
Adrian GramaMarsha Siefert2017-03-16 15:30:00Laboring Along: Industrial Workers and the Making of Postwar Romania (1944-1955)2017-06-26
Ágnes DrosztmérGyörgy Endre Szőnyi2016-06-14 10:00:00Images of Distance and Closeness: The Ottomans in Sixteenth-Century Hungarian Vernacular Poetry2016-06-22
Ágnes HorváthAndrás SimonovitsGábor Kézdi2013-06-12 10:00:00Essays on pension systems, mobility and welfare politics2013-11-25
Ágnes Katalin KelemenMichael Laurence Miller2019-11-04 14:45:00Peregrination in the Age of the Numerus Clausus: Hungarian Jewish Students in Interwar Europe2019-12-30
Ágnes Szabó-MorvaiJohn EarleGábor Kézdi2015-11-24 14:30:00Essays on Maternal Employment Policies2015-12-10
Ágoston BereczBalázs Trencsényi2017-06-27 11:45:00Chapters from the Political Life of Names. The Nationalisation of Names and Naming in Dualist Hungary2017-12-13
Ágoston RegulyRóbert LieliLászló Mátyás2021-10-06 15:30:00Three Essays On Econometrics2021-12-02
Alexandra MedzibrodszkyMatthias Riedl2020-05-08 16:00:00Orthodox Political Theologies: Clergy, Intelligentsia and Social Christianity in Revolutionary Russia2020-07-06
Ana Maria GruiaJózsef Laszlovszky2009-06-12 09:30:00Religious Representations on Stove Tiles from the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary2010-02-16
Andor KelenhegyiCarsten Wilke2017-11-02 11:00:00The Beast between Us. The Construction of Identity and Alterity through Animal Symbolism in Late Antique Jewish and Christian Tradition2017-12-13
Andra JugănaruMarianne SághyIstván Perczel2018-06-08 09:30:00Family Double Monasteries in the Fourth and the Fifth Centuries: An Inquiry into the Theological Roots, Social Context, and Early Evolution of an Old Practice2018-07-02
András KollarikÁdám Zawadowski2024-06-20 13:00:00Essays in Financial Intermediation2024-07-11
András KraftIstván Perczel2018-12-18 11:00:00The Apocalyptic Horizon in Byzantium: Philosophy, Prophecy and Politics During the Eleventh Through Thirteenth Centuries2018-12-18
András NémethNiels Gaul2010-06-02 09:00:00Imperial Systematization of the Past Emperor Constantine VII and His Historical Excerpts2010-10-20
András Péter KissPéter Kondor2015-03-30 14:00:00Essays on Consumer Search and Switching2015-06-02
Andrea KissJózsef Laszlovszky2011-08-11 11:00:00FLOODS AND LONG-TERM WATER-LEVEL CHANGES IN MEDIEVAL HUNGARY2011-10-27
Andrea-Bianka ZnorovszkyGerhard JaritzMarianne Sághy2016-06-07 11:00:00Between Mary and Christ: Depicting Cross-Dressed Saints in the Middle Ages (c. 1200-1600)2016-06-22
Andriy PosunkoAlfred Rieber2018-09-13 16:15:00The Ambiguities of Cossackdom: The Case of the Pontic Steppe, 1775-1830s2018-12-18
Anikó BíróGábor Kézdi2011-11-04 11:00:00ESSAYS ON AGING AND HEALTH2012-01-17
Anna AdameczGábor Kézdi2016-10-28 15:30:00Evaluation of Educational Policies2016-12-08
Anna AdashinskayaDaniel ZiemannGábor Klaniczay2020-01-24 13:00:00Ktetor: Practices of Ecclesiastic Foundation, Sponsorship, and Patronage in Late Byzantium and Balkan Slavic Countries2020-07-06
Anna BárditsÁdám Szeidl2023-09-04 14:00:00Essays in Labor and Health Economics2023-12-07
Anna Katalin AklanIstván PerczelFerenc Ruzsa2018-09-11 11:00:00Wandering Lotuses: Parallel Philosophical Illustrations in Late Antique Greek and in Indian Philosophies2018-12-18
Anna KindeBéla Zsolt Szakács2024-06-21 10:00:00The Function of Cathedral Spaces in Late Medieval Central Europe (1300-1563)2024-07-11
Anna KónyaBéla Zsolt Szakács2020-06-30 10:00:00Eucharistic Imagery in the Late Gothic Wall Paintings of Transylvania (c. 1440-1530)2020-07-06
Anna MazanikAleksei Miller2015-06-12 14:00:00Sanitation, Urban Environment and the Politics of Public Health in Late Imperial Moscow2015-12-10
Anna NaszódiLászló Mátyás2008-09-22 11:00:00Exchange Rates, Regime Switches and Currency Options2008-12-08
Áron OrbánGyörgy Endre Szőnyi2017-02-14 15:30:00Born for Phoebus. Solar-astral Symbolism and Poetical Self-representation in Conrad Celtis and his Humanist Circles2017-06-26
Áron SzeleBalázs Trencsényi2015-11-30 11:00:00The Arrow Cross. The Ideology of Hungarian Fascism. -A conceptual approach-2015-12-10
Attila GáspárÁdám Szeidl2019-05-27 15:00:00Essays in the Political Economy of Development2019-07-07
Attila KincsesLászló Mátyás2010-01-22 13:30:00Empirical Analyses on the Demand of Unsecured Credit2010-02-16
Balázs KrusperÁdám Szeidl2022-02-18 14:00:00The Effect of Choice on Beliefs and Markets2022-06-30
Balázs MuraközyLászló Halpern2008-02-29 15:00:00Spillovers From FDI in Hungary2008-05-02
Balázs ReizerGábor KézdiIstván Kónya2016-09-20 15:30:00Essays in labor economics: The effect of wage setting constraints and benefit policies on the employment level2016-12-08
Balázs VonnákRóbert Lieli2021-09-20 14:00:00New Ways to Estimate the Dynamic Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks2021-12-02
Bálint MenyhértMiklós Koren2017-06-07 12:00:00History as an Agent of Growth: Natural Experiments from Central Europe2017-06-26
Belényesyné Sárosi EditKatalin SzendeJózsef Laszlovszky2013-03-26 10:30:00Landscapes and settlements in the Kecskemét Region, 1300–17002013-11-25
Blasco SciarrinoConstantin Iordachi2022-06-07 12:00:00Allegiance in Exchange for Rewards: Italian and Romanian First World War Veterans’ Movements in Comparison, 1918-19452022-06-30
Calin Vlad DemianMiklós Koren2016-10-05 14:00:00Essays on International Trade and Heterogeneity2016-12-08
Camelia Craciun,András Kovács2009-12-11 14:00:00From Marginal Rebels to Mainstream Critics: Jewish Romanian Intellectuals in the Interwar Period2010-02-16
Caproş IuliaKatalin Szende2010-02-24 13:30:00Students from Košice at Foreign Universities Before and During the Reformation Period in the Town2010-03-31
Cecilia HornokMiklós Koren2011-09-13 11:30:00International Trade Barriers2011-10-26
Ceyda UstunÁdám Zawadowski2023-11-02 11:00:00Essays in Financial Economics2023-12-07
Christopher MielkeJózsef LaszlovszkyAlice Choyke2017-05-31 10:00:00Every Hyacinth the Garden Wears: The Archaeology of Medieval Hungarian Queenship (1000-1395)
Corina HaitaAndrzej BaniakBotond Kőszegi2014-01-29 11:00:00Emissions Trading Schemes: Theoretical Modeling and Behavioral Investigation2014-05-27
Dániel BaksaAttila RátfaiÁdám Zawadowski2019-12-16 10:00:00Three Essays on Growth, Demography and Macroeconomics2019-12-30
David RockwellVolker Menze2024-04-24 15:00:00Justinian’s Conniving Bankers Lobbying and the Imperial Bureaucracy in Sixth-Century Byzantium2024-07-11
Divna ManolovaNiels Gaul2014-10-27 14:00:00Discourses of Science and Philosophy in the Letters of Nikephoros Gregoras2014-11-18
Dóra SallayGábor Klaniczay2008-06-13 11:00:00The Early Sienese Paintings in Hungarian Collections, 1420-1520.2010-02-16
Dragos Gheorghe NastasoiuBéla Zsolt SzakácsGábor Klaniczay2018-03-28 14:00:00Between Personal Devotion and Political Propaganda: Iconographic Aspects in the Representation of the sancti reges Hungariae in Church Mural Painting (14th – Early-16th Century)2018-07-02
Dzsamila VonnákPéter Kondor2016-05-31 14:00:00Frictions in Credit Markets2016-06-22
Emese MuntánTijana Krstic2021-06-21 16:00:00Negotiating Catholic Reform: Global Catholicism and Its Local Agents in Northern Ottoman Rumeli (1570s-1680s)2021-12-02
Emily GioielliSusan Zimmermann2015-03-18 15:00:00‘White Misrule’: Terror and Political Violence during Hungary’s Long World War I, 1919-19242015-06-02
Enikő Gábor-TóthMiklós Koren2019-12-05 09:00:00Household Heterogeneity, Trade and Macroeconomics2019-12-30
Erzsébet Judit RarigaÁdám Szeidl2020-09-21 11:00:00Essays on Firm and Household Borrowing2020-10-29
Eszter KonrádGábor Klaniczay2017-12-11 10:00:00The Representation of the Saints of the Mendicant Orders in Late Medieval Hungary2017-12-13
Eszter SpatGerhard Jaritz2009-06-11 14:00:00Late Antique Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition2010-02-16
Francesco La RoccaGyörgy Endre Szőnyi2017-01-18 11:30:00Writers of Tales: A Study on National Literary Epic Poetry with a Comparative Analysis of the Albanian and South Slavic Cases2017-06-26
Franklin MadukoMiklós Koren2018-12-10 10:00:00Three Essays in International Trade2018-12-18
Gábor AntalJohn Earle2011-10-25 14:00:00Wages and Foreign Direct Investment in Hungary2012-01-17
Gábor KoltayGábor Kézdi2012-02-20 14:30:00From Structural Estimation to Quasi Experiment: Three essays on Exchange Rate2012-06-04
Gábor RévészÁdám Szeidl2022-02-17 15:30:00Essays on Housing and Media Markets2022-06-30
Gergely HajdúBotond Kőszegi2019-08-26 14:00:00Essays in Behavioral Economics2019-12-30
Győző GyöngyösiÁdám Szeidl2018-10-18 10:00:00Essays on Foreign Currency Borrowing of Households2018-12-18
Iliana KandzhaDaniel ZiemannGerhard Jaritz2021-09-21 16:00:00The Cult of the Chaste Imperial Couple: Henry II and Cunigunde in the Hagiographic Traditions, Art, and Memory of the Holy Roman Empire (c. 1350–1500)2021-12-02
Ines IvićGábor Klaniczay2020-08-31 11:00:00The Birth of a National Saint: The Cult of Saint Jerome in Late Medieval Dalmatia2020-10-29
István BozaAndrea Weber2022-01-13 14:00:00Wage Differentials and the Possibilities in Linked Employer-Employee Panel Data2022-06-30
Izidor JanžekovičLászló Kontler2024-04-02 17:00:00The Balance of Sea Power in the Early Modern Era (1648–1713)2024-07-11
János InczeKatalin SzendeBalázs Nagy2018-12-14 11:00:00“Our Lord the King Looks for Money in Every Corner” Sigismund of Luxembourg’s Pledgings in Hungary2018-12-18
János Károly DivényiRóbert Lieli2020-10-26 13:00:00Three Essays on Causal Effects: Identification in a Novel Setting and Two Empirical Studies2020-12-17
Jenish NurbekPéter Benczúr2008-12-05 15:00:00Essays in Open Economy Macroeconomics2009-02-05
Jenő PálMiklós Koren2017-12-04 15:00:00Essays on News Consumption and Dynamic Programming2017-12-13
Judit KrekóRóbert LieliÁlmos Telegdy2020-05-06 13:00:00Essays in Empirical Analysis of Economic Policy2020-07-06
Jurgita Kunsmanaite,Katalin Szende2009-02-26 14:00:00Provisions for Widowhood in the Legal Sources of Sixteenth-Century Lithuania2010-02-16
Katalin PatakiLászló Kontler2020-06-02 15:00:00Resources, Records, Reforms: The Implementation of Monastic Policies in the Kingdom of Hungary under Maria Theresa and Joseph II2020-07-06
Katalin StránerKarl Hall2013-04-29 13:00:00Science, Translation and the Public: The Hungarian Reception of Darwinism, 1858-18752013-05-23
Katarina LukacsyGábor Kézdi2011-12-07 14:00:00Essays on price setting mechanisms2012-01-17
Katerina Hornickova,Gerhard Jaritz2009-03-31 15:00:00In Heaven and on Earth: Church Treasure in Late Medieval Bohemia2010-02-16
Katerina Hornickova,Gerhard Jaritz2009-03-26 15:30:00
defense cancelled
In Heaven and on Earth: Church Treasures in Late Medieval Bohemia
Kinga MarczellBotond Kőszegi2019-01-14 10:00:00Three Essays on the Relationship Between Health and Labor Market Outcomes2019-07-07
Krisztina AranyBalázs Nagy2014-06-13 13:00:00Florentine Families in Hungary In the First Half of the Fifteenth Century2014-11-18
Lajos Tamás SzabóAndrea WeberRóbert Lieli2021-09-27 14:00:00Essays in Topical Labour Market Issues: Evidence from Hungary2021-12-02
Lala EtlevaGerhard Jaritz2008-11-26 11:00:00Regnum Albaniae, the Papal Curia, and the Western Visions of a Borderline Nobility2010-02-16
László BalázsiLászló Mátyás2017-03-28 09:00:00The Econometrics of Linear Models for Multi-dimensional Panels2017-06-26
László Bence BariBalázs Trencsényi2023-06-16 14:00:00(Trans)national Concepts of Self-Determination and the Future of Central Europe in the Late First World War, 1917–1918.2023-06-26
Liliana IugaConstantin Iordachi2017-03-17 11:30:00Reshaping the Historic City under Socialism: State Preservation, Urban Planning, and the Politics of Scarcity in Romania (1945-1977)2017-06-26
lovro KraljConstantin Iordachi2023-01-27 12:30:00Paving the Road to the Holocaust in the NDH: Antisemitism in the Ustaša Movement,1930-19452023-06-26
Luca Flóra DruckerBotond KőszegiDániel Horn2022-09-26 15:30:00Essays on the Behavioral Economics of Inequality2022-12-15
Luka Spoljaric,Niels Gaul2013-06-11 12:00:00Nicholas of Modrus, ‘The Glory of Illyria’: Humanist Patriotism and Self-Fashioning in Renaissance Rome2014-05-27
Lvia Klára SzélpálJudit Bodnár2013-02-05 14:00:00A Tale of two Hungarian Cities: The Making and Reading of Modern Debrecen and Szeged 1850-19142013-05-23
Magdolna SzilágyiKatalin SzendeJózsef Laszlovszky2012-12-07 11:00:00Árpád Period Communication Networks: Road Systems in Western Transdanubia2013-05-23
Maria Falina,Balázs Trencsényi2011-06-15 11:00:00Pyrrhic Victory: East Orthodox Christianity, Politics, and Serbian Nationalism in the Interwar Period2011-10-27
Mária VarghaJózsef Laszlovszky2019-12-18 14:00:00The Archaeology of Christianisation of the Rural Countryside of Medieval Hungary2019-12-30
Mariana Goina,Gerhard Jaritz2009-09-23 11:00:00The Birth and Development of Pragmatic Literacy in the Medieval Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia (From state Foundation to the End of the Sixteenth Century)2010-02-16
Mariann RigóJohn Earle2012-06-12 14:00:00Three Essays on Wages and Productivity2012-11-15

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