Current thesis topic proposals of The Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Current thesis topic proposals of The Budapest University of Technology and Economics

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Márton TakácsInvestigation of the Applicability of Artificial Intelligence Based Predictive Models in Order to Improve the Quality of Production with Advanced Machining Processes2024-10-15GTT
Pál SzentannaiLoad-following control of large-size utility power plants2024-10-15EGR
Dávid SzallerMagnetic and magnetoelectric properties of van der Waals magnets2025-05-31BME
Zoltán RózsaOptimizing the Environmental Perception of Multifunction Robot Vehicles by Methods Based on Deep Learning and 3D Geometry2024-12-31ALRT
Tibor PoósSimultaneous heat and mass transfer of liquids with open surface2024-10-15ÉPGET
Tibor PoósPerformance Improvement of a Solar Dryer Integrated with Thermal Energy Storage Material2024-10-15ÉPGET
Tibor PoósInvestigation of fluidized bed drying on the falling drying rate period2024-10-15ÉPGET
István Attila PirosDevelopment of a Continuous Cryogenic Pellet Extruder and Determining Its Operational Parameters for Plasma Fuelling and Plasma Density Control in Fusion Reactors2024-10-15GT3
Imre Norbert OrbulovDevelopment of high-performance composite metal foams2024-10-15ATT
István NémethMeasuring, analysing and predicting the degradation processes of the spindle bearings of machine tools2024-10-15GTT
István NémethMaintenance planning and scheduling of manufacturing equipment2024-10-15GTT
Kolos MolnárPolymer nanofibers in multifunctional hierarchical structures2024-10-15PT
László MészárosCompatibilizing effect of ionizing radiation on polyolefin/crumb rubber blends2024-10-15PT
Péter LángReduction of carbon dioxide emission by absorption2024-10-15ÉPGET
Gergely KristófEvolution of Turbulent Energy Spectrum2024-10-15ÁT
Gergely KristófModeling Turbulence in the Numerical Simulation of Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layers2024-10-15ÁT
József Gábor KovácsRecycling of high molecular weight thermoplastic materials2024-10-15PT
József Gábor KovácsHybrid molds for lightweight composites2024-10-15PT
Dorina KovácsEffect of recoating in damaged parts2024-10-15ATT
Ádám JacsóIncreasing the energy efficiency of CNC machining by optimizing the tool path2024-10-15GTT
Ádám JacsóReducing machining time and energy consumption in trochoidal milling by tool path optimisation2024-10-15GTT
Attila ImreUtilization of low temperature and low yield heat sources2024-10-15EGR
Attila ImreSeasonal and high-capacity energy storage: system and the parts2024-10-15EGR
Miklós HorváthDevelopment of an indicator system to measure the energy performance of buildings, with a special focus on non-energy related aspects2024-10-15ÉPGET
Csaba HorváthLocalization of rotating noise sources along trajectory segments using beamforming methods2024-10-15ÁT
László HégelyMulti-objective optimization of batch distillation methods2024-10-15ÉPGET
Balázs Havasi-TóthInvestigation of flow induced morphology of sedimentary particles2024-10-15ÁT
Giuseppe HabibPhantom solutions analysis through transient dynamics2024-10-15MM
Domokos Esztergár-KissDevelopment of a methodology for the interconnection of multimodal transport networks including new mobility services2025-03-11KUKG
Domokos Esztergár-KissDevelopment of a methodology for the interconnection of multimodal transport networks including new mobility services2025-03-11KUKG
Domokos Esztergár-KissUnderstanding the effects of micromobility through its integration with public transport2025-03-11KTKG
László CzétányNovel Air Distribution Method for Reducing the Risk of Cross-contamination2024-10-15ÉPGET
Tamás CsoknyaiNovel Air Distribution Method for Reducing the Risk of Cross-contamination2024-10-15ÉPGET
Csaba CsiszárPlanning, operational and assessment methods for mobility services based on Shared Autonomous Vehicles (SAVs)2024-12-31KTKG
Csaba CsiszárImprovement of Passenger Transportation Quality Based on Women’s Needs2024-12-31KTKG
Edit CséfalvayEnvironmental evaluation and sustainability of energy production processes2024-10-15EGR
Edit CséfalvayMake-up water preparation for power plants by environmental benign technologies2024-10-15EGR
Edit CséfalvayApplication of circular economy using LCA methodology on carbon neutral waste management in Hungary2024-10-15EGR
Ákos BereczkyInvestigation of hydrogen energy utilisation methods2024-10-15EGR
Ákos BereczkyCombustion process of alternative fuels utilisation in internal combustion engines2024-10-15EGR

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