Current thesis topic proposals of The University of Szeged
Current thesis topic proposals of The University of Szeged

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Katalin BuriánRole of cytokines and chemokines in chlamydia infections2024-12-31OMMI
Norbert BuzásExaminantion of the decision making behaviour in healthcare professonial selection and loyalty among patients receiving medical care”)2024-12-31EgGaz
Zoltán ifj Rakonczay
Lóránd Kiss
Investigating the effect of organosulfur molecules on the severity of experimental acute pancreatitis2024-12-31KÓRÉL
Dániel VerébQuantitative methods in clinical radiology2024-12-31RADIO
Erika VörösModern neuroimaging2024-12-31RADIO
András Szekeres
Péter Sántha
Bioanalytical examinations of endogenous metabolites2024-12-31Micb
Tamás MolnárInflammatory Bowel Diseases2024-12-311BEL
Zsolt SzabóChanges in pulmonary microcirculation during thoracic surgery2024-12-31MODI
Judit DeákThe role of climate changing in the development of infectious diseases2024-12-31KliMi
Györgyi FerencUse of chemically modified oligonucleotides for in site-specific mutagenesis and targeted dna-methylation in vivo2024-12-31NSZL
Szabolcs DvorácskóDevelopment and characterization of functionally selective novel cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R) allosteric modulators for treating cannabinoids use related toxicity and me2024-12-31BRC
Péter HorváthDeveloping intelligent microscopy systems2024-12-31BRC
Ferenc ÖtvösModelling ligand characteristics and receptor specificity in the opioid system2024-12-31BRC
Csaba PálDeciphering evolutionary processes behind antibiotic resistance by novel tools in Synthetic Biology2024-12-31BRC
Roland PataiUnderstanding the role of glial cells in the degenerative and regenerative processes of acute and chronic neurodegeneration2024-12-31BRC
Roland PataiDeveloping automated morphometric systems for structural analysis of neuronal samples2024-12-31BRC
József SókiExamination of the antibiotic resistance mechanisms of anaerobic pathogens by molecular methods2024-12-31MIKRO
Csaba TömbölySynthesis and in vitro pharmacological characterization of bifunctional MOP – CB1 receptor ligands2024-12-31BRC
Eszter FarkasThe pathophysiology of spreading depolarizations in cerebral ischemia2024-12-31Cellb
Károly Gulya
József Tolnai
Microscopic image analysis of protein aggregates in the brain2024-12-31Cellb
Kinga DávidLe zone centrali e limitrofe della letteratura italiana contemporanea2025-03-31PE108
Kinga DávidLa letteratura romantica e risorgimentale italiana2025-03-31PE108
Róbert BerkeczAnalysis of lipids, metabolites and designer drugs in biological samples (urine, blood, tissues etc.).2024-12-31OVI
Zsolt BoldogkőiGene transfer with intelligent viral vectors2024-12-31SZAOK
Mária DuxRole of the trigeminovascular system in the pathophysiology of migraine2024-12-31SZAOK
Gabriel FenteanyProtein–protein interactions regulating signaling processes involved in cancer progression and metastasis2024-12-31OVI
Lívia Fülöp
Gábor Paragi
Computational simulation of peptides, proteins, and neuroprotective agents which plays significant role in the Alzheimer's disease.2024-12-31OVI
Lívia FülöpApplication of Sigma-1 Receptor modulators in SARS-Cov2 Spike Protein-Induced Neuroinflammation Models for the treatment of neurological symptoms in long COVID-192024-12-31OVI
Róbert GáspárInvestigation of the obesity-induced alteration in uterine contractility in pregnant rat model2024-12-31SZAOK
István KonczEarly Repolarization Syndrome: novel therapeutic possibilities, new insights into the mechanisms2024-12-31SZAOK
Lajos KovácsSynthesis and analysis of quadruplex nucleic acid derivatives2024-12-31OVI
Lajos KovácsBioaktiv heterociklusok szintézise2024-12-31OVI
Zoltán MarótiBionformatic analysis of whole genome sequences of archaic samples2024-12-31SZAOK
László Rovónew therapeutic possibilities to increase muscle volume of atrophied vocal folds2024-12-31SZAOK
Anita SejbenEvaluation of histopathological patterns of liver metastases2024-12-31SZAOK
Anita SejbenEvaluation of IBD-associated non-conventional dysplasias2024-12-31SZAOK
Zoltán SzabóProteomic analyses for pharmaceutical research2024-12-31OVI
Andrea Szabó
Jorge Correia-Pinto
Examination of the efficacy of in vivo simulation trainings in surgery2024-12-31SZAOK
Szabolcs Péter TallósyIn vitro investigation of intracellular gas metabolism in hypoxia-related disorders2024-12-31SZAOK
Dóra TombáczUsing OMICS approach for the analysis of viral gene expression2024-12-31SZAOK
Ákos CsonkaClinical features atipcal femoral fractures2024-12-31TRAUM
Ákos CsonkaInhibition of efflux pumps in cancer chemotherapy2024-12-31TRAUM
Sándor Pintér
Andrea Domján
Prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal deficits2024-12-31TRAUM
Renáta Molnár-GáspárInvestigation on different cell death types and protection against them in cardiomyocytes2024-12-31BIOKE
Attila BalogExtra-articular manifestations in systemic autoimmune diseases2024-12-31RIK
Lajos Vince KeményNovel potential drug target prediction in melanoma based on proteogenomics2024-12-31DERM
Irén AnnusIdentity Studies in American context2025-03-313213
Irén Annus(Visual culture in the US2025-03-313213
László MadácsyApplication of new optical chromoendoscopy and zoom technology methods to improve colonic adenoma detection and prediction of histology2024-12-31ENDOK
László MadácsyAnalysis and assessment of different capsule endoscopy systems and methods in the examination of esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine2024-12-31ENDOK
László MadácsyNew possibilities in the endoscopic practice training (simulators and biological models)2024-12-31ENDOK
László MadácsyDevelopment of computer database and application of machine learning algorithms to assist the real time differentiation between adenomatous and hyperplastic subcentrim2024-12-31ENDOK
Zoltán BaráthFogászati implantátumok élettartamát meghatározó tényezők vizsgálata2024-12-31FOK
Krisztina BuzásExosomal information transfer through the blood-brain-barrier2024-12-31FOK
Márk Tibor FráterFibre-reinforced biomimetic direct and indirect restorations2024-12-31FOK
Anette StájerSocial determinants of oral health and health behavior2024-12-31FOK
Tamás Szili-TörökAdvances in non pharmacological therapeutic approaches in the treatment of complex arrhythmias2024-12-31BEL
Máté VámosClinical outcomes of modern transvenous lead extraction techniques2024-12-31BEL
Máté VámosDiagnostic and therapeutic potential of the latest cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs).2024-12-31BEL
Kálmán Tóth
Krisztián Sisák
Experimental and clinical examination of the musculosceletal system.2024-12-31ORT
Gergely AmbrusConvex geometry and analysis2024-12-31MatDI
János BarátEdge-decompositions of graphs with a condition on the edge-connectivity2024-12-31MatDI
János BarátIntersecting hypergraphs, finite geometries2024-12-31MatDI
János BarátGraph Drawings2024-12-31MatDI
Ferenc Ágoston Bartha
Mónika Van Leeuwen-Polner
Numerical methods of dynamical systems2024-12-31MatDI
Zsolt Boldogkői
Dóra Tombácz
Analysis of transcriptional interference networks.2024-12-31Mdbio
Zsolt Boldogkői
Dóra Tombácz
Virome and aging: a longitudinal multi-OMICS study using dogs as a model2024-12-31MDBIO
Béla CsabaGraph embedding problems2024-12-31MatDI
Tibor CsendesAvailable only in Hungarian2024-12-31MatDI
Attila DénesDynamical systems with applications in biology2024-12-31MatDI
Ferenc FodorStochastic geometry2024-12-31MatDI
Ferenc FodorDiscrete and convex geometry2024-12-31MatDI
Ábel GarabQualitative theory of Dynamical Systems2024-12-31MatDI
János KarsaiComputer-aided study of models in life sciences2024-12-31MatDI
János Karsai"Computable" teaching materials, model-based mathematics education2024-12-31MatDI
Eszter Katonáné HorváthLattice-valued functions2024-12-31MatDI
Tibor KrisztinTheory and applications of functional differential equations2024-12-31MatDI
Béla NagyExtremal problems for polynomials and rational functions2024-12-31MatDI
Gábor Péter NagyComputational aspects of non-associative structures2024-12-31MatDI
Gábor Péter NagyApplications of finite fields and finite geometries2024-12-31MatDI
Gergely RöstDynamical systems and applications in mathematical biology2024-12-31MatDI
László StachóSemigroups of holomorphic automorphisms2024-12-31MatDI
Dóra TombáczThe effect of the lifestyle of the microbiome2024-12-31MdBio
Dóra Tombácz
Zsolt Csabai
Research of microbes using genomics and gene technology approach2024-12-31MdBio
Vilmos TotikAvailable only in Hungarian2024-12-31MatDI
Viktor VíghKülönböző, általában aszimptotikus természetű kérdések vizsgálata véletlen konvex halmazok metszeteiről, különös tekintettel egy konvex halmaz véletlen eltoltjainak metsz2024-12-31MatDI
Miklós JászberényiThe role of neuropeptides in the neuroendocrine regulation of adaptive processes.2024-12-31PATPH
Gyula SzabóEffect of neuropeptides to algesia2024-12-31PATPH
Gyula SzabóEffect of experimental alcohol tolerance to the neuroadaptive processes of central nervous system2024-12-31PATPH
Andrea DomjánImproving neuromuscular efficacy by reactivating the local stabilizers of the cervical and lumbar spine.2024-12-31ETSZK
Gábor Nagy-GróczEpidemiology and molecular biological analysis of oral diseases2024-12-31ETSZK
Zoltán Ruzsa
Gábor Tóth-Gayor
Refining techniques in complex cardiovascular interventions2024-12-31BELII
Zoltán ifj RakonczayThe effect of analgesics on the severity of acute pancreatitis2024-12-31Patho
Zoltán ifj RakonczayThe investigation of the pathomechanism of acute pancreatitis in rodents2024-12-31Patho
László Pajor
Farkas Sükösd
Mathematical Description the Quality of Surgical Resection and Its Clinical Importance2024-12-31Patho
Margit Pál
Márta Széll
Genetic background of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis2024-12-31Gen
Zoltán VillányiDetection and targeting translational defects in tumor cells.2024-12-31BMBT
Antal BerényiInvestigation of the neuronal network dynamics and > connectivity of the striatum2024-12-31PHYS

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