Current thesis topic proposals of The University of Szeged
Current thesis topic proposals of The University of Szeged

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Zsolt SzabóChanges in pulmonary microcirculation during thoracic surgery2024-12-31MODI
Gergely Ágoston
Albert Varga
Cardiovascular manifestation of the autoimmune diseases2024-12-31CSAL
Gergely ÁgostonStress induced pulmonary hypertension2024-12-31CSAL
Gergely Ágoston
Albert Varga
Assessment of the heart failure with different echocardiographic modalities2024-12-31CSAL
János NagyillésReception of Ancient Culture and Literature2025-03-313105
Zoltán ifj Rakonczay
Lóránd Kiss
Investigating the effect of organosulfur molecules on the severity of experimental acute pancreatitis2024-12-31KÓRÉL
Katalin BuriánEffects of vitamin D in of infectious diseases2024-12-31OMI
Klára MegyeriThe role of cytokines and cell death subroutines in diseases with complex pathogenic mechanism2024-12-31OMI
Klára MegyeriFeatures, mechanisms and medical importance of cell death subroutines.2024-12-31OMI
Klára MegyeriTherapeutic application of viruses in the treatment of cancer2024-12-31OMI
Gabriella SpenglerReversal of multidrug resistance in various tumor cell lines2024-12-31OMI
Dezső VirókIn vitro and in vivo identification of anti-chlamydial substances2024-12-31OMI
Izabella FüziMoving images in new media2025-03-310144
Izabella FüziNarrativity and intermediality2025-03-310144
Izabella FüziEarly cinema as new media2025-03-310144
Zsolt BagosiThe interaction between neuropeptides and addictive drugs2024-12-31PATHP
Zsolt BagosiThe effects of ghrelin and GHRP-6 on the changes of locomotion and dopamine induced by nicotine and nicotine withdrawal in rats2024-12-31Pathp
Zsolt BagosiThe actions of addictive drugs on neurohormones and neurotransmitters2024-12-31PATHP
Lóránd KissThe role of pancreatic ductal CFTR Cl- channel in acute pancreatitis2024-12-31PATHP
Zoltán Baráth
Éva Kereszty
Forensic aspects of oral injuries2024-12-31STOMA
Zoltán BaráthFogászati implantátumok élettartamát meghatározó tényezők vizsgálata2024-12-31FOK
Krisztina BuzásExosomal information transfer through the blood-brain-barrier2024-12-31FOK
Márk Tibor FráterFibre-reinforced biomimetic direct and indirect restorations2024-12-31FOK
Anette StájerSocial determinants of oral health and health behavior2024-12-31FOK
Boudewijn Van LeeuwenMachine learning in Geoinformatics2024-11-20USZ
Eszter FarkasThe pathophysiology of spreading depolarizations in cerebral ischemia2024-12-31Cellb
Károly Gulya
József Tolnai
Microscopic image analysis of protein aggregates in the brain2024-12-31Cellb
Pál Barzó
Judit Rosta
The importance of cerebral vasoreactivity in different central nervous system diseases.2024-12-31IDEG
Pál BarzóExploration of psychological consequences in patients after subarachnoid hemorrhage2024-12-31IDEG
Attila KissLiterature and the semiotics of the subject2025-03-313314
András DinnyésModelling neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases in vitro using humaninduced pluripotent stem cell-based systems2024-12-31BŐRKL
Judit DeákThe role of climate changing in the development of infectious diseases2024-12-31KliMi
Tamás MolnárInflammatory Bowel Diseases2024-12-311BEL
Gábor CserniPrognostic pathology of tumors2024-12-31BKMÖK
Krisztina CsabafiModulatory role of neuropeptides on neuroadaptive processes in the CNS.2024-12-31KÓRÉ
Zoltán VillányiDetection and targeting translational defects in tumor cells.2024-12-31BMBT
Péter Klivényi
Cecília Rajda
Genetic, epidemiologic and clinical investigations related to monogenic neurodegenerative diseases2024-12-31NEUR
Dezső Németh
Nikoletta Szabó
Non-invasive brain stimulation2024-12-31NEUR
Katalin Sas
Norbert Jeszenői
Use and attitudes to non-conventional methods in neurology care2024-12-31NEUR
Krisztián Sisák
Kálmán Tóth
Characterization of soft tissue injury during lower limb arthroplastry using DAMPs2024-12-31NEUR
Klaudia FarkasRole of therapeutic drug monitoring in inflammatory bowel diseases2024-12-31I.BEL
Gabriella Pappné TerhesInvestigation of epidemiology, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnosis of viral and bacterial infections2024-12-31KMDI
József SókiMolecular investigation of the antibiotic resistance and virulence mechanisms of the clinically important Bacteroides and Clostridioides difficile species2024-12-31KMDI
Róbert AdalbertMechanisms of axon degeneration in ageing and disease2024-12-31Anath
Krisztián PajerTreatment of central nervous injuries with humoral factors2024-12-31Anath
Antal BerényiMany neuropsychiatric disorders are coupled with altered, pathologic oscillations at the neuronal network levels, which prevents proper information processing. While the2024-12-31PHYS
Antal BerényiInvestigation of the neuronal network dynamics and > connectivity of the striatum2024-12-31PHYS
Péter CsibriReading, as a specialized form of visual perception2024-12-31PHYS
Ferenc DomokiExperimental studies on the pathomechanism of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.2024-12-31PHYS
Ferenc DomokiNeurovascular unit function and dysfunction in health and disease states.2024-12-31PHYS
Mária DuxPeptidergic mechanisms in the pathophysiology of headaches.2024-12-31PHYS
Gyöngyi HorváthInvestigation of the motor control2024-12-31Phys
Gyöngyi HorváthDetermination of environmental factors on physiologic parameters.2024-12-31Phys
Gyöngyi Horváth
Gabor Tuboly
Translational research for the mechanisms of pain2024-12-31Phys
Gyöngyi HorváthDevelopment and characterization of schizophrenia animal models2024-12-31Phys
Gábor Jancsó
Mária Dux
Neuropeptides in the pathophysiology of primary headaches2024-12-31Phys
Gabriella KékesiBehavioral and pharmacological studies in the Wisket rat model of schizophrenia2024-12-31Phys
László Magor LőrinczCellular and network mechanisms of absence seizures in the thalamocortical system2024-12-31Phys
László Magor LőrinczSerotonergic neuromodulation in the olfactory cortex2024-12-31Phys
Attila Nagy
András Kelemen
Investigation of associative learning in neurological and psychiatric disorders2024-12-31PHYS
Attila NagyInvestigation of associative learning in neurological and psychiatric disorders2024-12-31PHYS
Péter SánthaFunctional regeneration of cutaneous chemosensitive afferent nerves following peripheral nerve lesions2024-12-31PHYS
Péter Sántha
Gábor Jancsó
Ganglionic and transganglionic neurodegenerative changes induced by cytostatic agents in the somatosensory system2024-12-31PHYS
Gyula SáryElectrophysiological examination of the mammalian visual system2024-12-31PHYS
Gyula SáryRehabilitation of neurological diseases by virtual reality2024-12-31PHYS
László MadácsyNew possibilities in the endoscopic practice training (simulators and biological models)2024-12-31ENDOK
László MadácsyDevelopment of computer database and application of machine learning algorithms to assist the real time differentiation between adenomatous and hyperplastic subcentrim2024-12-31ENDOK
László MadácsyApplication of new optical chromoendoscopy and zoom technology methods to improve colonic adenoma detection and prediction of histology2024-12-31ENDOK
László MadácsyAnalysis and assessment of different capsule endoscopy systems and methods in the examination of esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine2024-12-31ENDOK
Zoltán ifj RakonczayThe investigation of the pathomechanism of acute pancreatitis in rodents2024-12-31Patho
Zoltán ifj RakonczayThe effect of analgesics on the severity of acute pancreatitis2024-12-31Patho
László Pajor
Farkas Sükösd
Mathematical Description the Quality of Surgical Resection and Its Clinical Importance2024-12-31Patho
Anna KérchyTheories of posthumanism, literary and artistic representations of humanimal relations and metamorphoses2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyIntersections of Women's Literature and Arts, Gender Studies, and Body Studies, with a speciel interest in Corporeal Narratology2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyThe Literary Fantastic: from Gothic to Postmodernism; Theories of the Fantastic2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyChildren's literature, Young Adult Literature, Fairy-Tale Studies2025-03-313303
Anna KérchyIntermedial Cultural Representations and Fantastic Imagination in the Victorian and Postmodern Period2025-03-313303
Zsuzsanna KahánTherapeutic sensitivity of cancers2024-12-31ONCO
Krisztina Buzás
Mária Harmati
Dynamics of small extracellurar vesicle-mediated communication in the tumor2024-12-31Immun
Gyöngyike MikolaRussian Cultural Codes in the 20th Century and Contemporary Hungarian Literature2025-03-31tsz
Gyöngyike MikolaRussian-Language Literature in Emigration2025-03-31tsz
Ágnes Sávai-MatuskaMultimedia Shakespeare adaptations2025-03-31tsz
Ágnes Sávai-MatuskaIntersections between early modern and postmodern performance traditions2025-03-31tsz
Orsolya SzilvássyLetteratura per l'infanzia e literacy (letteratura italiana per l’infanzia e l’adolescenza)2025-03-31tsz
Korinna CsetényiGothic and horror fiction2025-03-31adtsz
Ágnes Sávai-MatuskaPerformance traditions in late Tudor and early modern English drama: drama, ritual, theatre2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálFilm Studies: the interrelations of film and history2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára Szélpál20th Century American Intellectual and Cultural History: alternative and unconventional histories, alternative concepts of American culture and society2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálReading the City: the cultural representations of the American and British City in literature and film2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálUrban Studies2025-03-31adtsz
Lívia Klára SzélpálMemory Studies2025-03-31adtsz
Oguz Kelemen
Dávid Pócs
Behavioral Science Perspectives for Facebook-based Smoking Cessation Interventions2024-12-31Behsc
Zsuzsanna MátéHealth effects of climate change2024-12-31Puhe
Regina MolnárSociocultural aspects of acculturation2024-12-31Puhe
Edit Paulik
Hajnalka Orvos
Health status, lifestyle and health literacy of pregnant women2024-12-31PUHE
Edit PaulikThe role of nutritional status and nutritional therapy in the treatment of surgical patients2024-12-31PUHE
Edit Paulik
Regina Molnár
Health behavior of international students and related factors2024-12-31PUHE
Kálmán Tóth
Krisztián Sisák
Experimental and clinical examination of the musculosceletal system.2024-12-31ORT
Zsolt László DatkiIn vivo catabolism of Alzheimer’s disease specific beta-amyloid in Philodina acuticornis2024-12-31PSZIC
Zsolt László DatkiGastrointestinal motility in different psychiatric disorders2024-12-31Pszic

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