Current thesis topic proposals of The Semmelweis University, Budapest
Current thesis topic proposals of The Semmelweis University, Budapest

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Donát AlpárHeterogeneity and evolution of hematopoietic malignancies2024-11-01SE
Péter AndrékaCardiovascular prevention in Hungary2025-05-31SE
György BagdyAssociations of disorders, pharmacotherapy and biology using large human databases2024-09-30SE
Kornélia BaghyThe role of the SPOCK1 proteoglycan in cancer development and progression2024-11-01SE
Bálint László BálintOncogenomic aspects of gene expression regulation at the chromatin level2024-11-01SE
György Tibor BaloghDevelopment of Cyclodextrin-based Targeted Drug Delivery Systems2024-09-30SE
Csaba BödörClinicopathological analysis of myeloproliferative neoplasms2024-11-01SE
Orsolya CseprekálNovel approaches of outcome prediction in kidney transplantation2024-09-30SE
Tamás Mihály CserepesRelations of hypoxia and acquired therapy resistance in solid tumors2024-11-01SE
Péter CsermelyThe quantitative analysis ofepithelial-mesenchymal transition2024-12-31SE
Balázs DezsényiClinical epidemiology of focal infective liver lesions2025-05-31SE
Orsolya DobayCarriage, virulence and antibiotic resistance of Gram-positive bacteria2024-11-01SE
Bálint Mihály ErőssThe clinical aspects of gastrointestinal bleeding2024-09-30SE
Ida FejősComplex formation studies of natural compounds2024-09-30SE
Gabriella GálffyInvestigation of lung cancer mortality in the light of new diagnostic and therapeutic options and different biomarkers2025-05-31SE
Ádám GolcsDevelopment of high-throughput synthesis-supporting methods2024-12-31SE
István GyertyánRodent models of cognitive dysfunctions in neurologic and psychiatric disorders2025-04-30SE
Hargita HegyesiExtracellular vesicle-mediated communication in experimental inflammatory models2024-11-01SE
Péter HegyiInvestigation of the early phase of acute and chronic pancreatitis: from bed to the bench side research2024-09-30SE
Péter Jenő HegyiInvestigation of chronic liver disease effect on outcomes in acute pancreatitis2024-09-30SE
Péter Jenő HegyiInvestigation of chronic liver disease effect on outcomes in acute pancreatitis2024-09-30SE
Péter HegyiInvestigation of the early phase of acute and chronic pancreatitis: from bed to the bench side research2024-09-30SE
Péter HollóInvestigating the pathomechanism and prognostic factors of tumours of the skin2025-05-31SE
Zsolt JurányiCytogenetic and immunological changes induced by radiation therapy in cancer patients. Mechanism of radiation resistance2024-11-01SE
Zoltán KalóSupporting health care R&D decisions by early phase technology assessment2024-09-30SE
István KenesseyChanging in the epidemiology of malignancies in Hungary2024-11-01SE
István KenesseyInteraczion of tumor cell and environmental immune competent elements in human head and neck squamous cancer2024-11-01SE
Kornél KirályGlycine transporters as an emerging target in the treatment of chronic pain2024-09-30SE
Kornél KirályInvestigation of angiotensin-opioid interactions in releation to opioid analgesia2024-12-31SE
András KissIdentification of molecular targets in liver tumors and corresponding biopsies and liquid samples2024-11-01SE
Tamás KissChildhood Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Adult Cardiovascular Events2025-05-31SE
András KissThe role of molecular pattern of cell adhesion molecules and microRNAs in the ethiopathogenesis of primary and metastatic liver tumors2024-11-01SE
Béla KocsisInvestigation of fluoroquinolone and polymyxin resistance mechanisms in Gram-negative bacteria2024-11-01SE
Tibor KrenácsMolecular morphology monitoring of myelofibrosis progression and correlations between immunophenotype and genetic predisposition2024-11-01SE
Eszter LajkóCell- and molecular biological investigation of small molecule drugs and their peptide conjugates designed for targeted tumor therapy2024-09-30SE
Gábor LotzEffect of Helicobacter pylori infection and other pathogenic agents on the pathogenesis of benign and malignant diseases of the stomach and other organs2024-11-01SE
Balázs MayerCharacterization and function of gamma-delta T cells in skin stem cell niches2025-05-31SE
Márta MedveczMultidisciplinary aspects of rare hereditary and acquired dermatological diseases2025-05-31SE
Zsolt MegyesfalviIdentification of subtype-specific diagnostic and predictive biomarkers in small cell lung cancer2025-05-31SE
Otília MenyhártDevelopment of diagnostic tools by utulizing patient-derived medical data2024-11-01SE
Gábor MikalaThe effect of prognostic factors and measurable biomarkers on the therapeutic efficacy in multiple myeloma2025-05-31SE
Veronika MüllerPrognostic factors in intersitital lung diseases2025-05-31SE
Klementina OcskayRole of Exogenous and Endogenous Modifiers in the Development of Abnormal Glucose Tolerance in Cystic Fibrosis2024-12-31SE
Dániel Palkovics3D technology and artificial intelligence in periodontology and dento-alveolar rehabilitation2025-02-01SE
Dániel PalkovicsNovel approaches in minimally invasive surgical periodontal therapy2025-02-01SE
Andrea PárniczkyGenetic analysis of pediatric pancreatitis. The APPLE (Analysis of pediatric pancreatitis) multicentric, multinational, observational clinical trial2024-09-30SE
Andrea PárniczkyInvestigation of the pathomechanism and the clinical course of acute pancreatitis in adults and children2024-09-30SE
Andrea PárniczkyInvestigation of the epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment, complications and genetic background of SARS-CoV-2 induced disease2024-09-30SE
Zoltán Imre PozsonyiCardiovascular aspects of the treatment of colorectal cancer2025-05-31SE
Lilla ReinigerGenomic and epigenomic background of chronic lymphocytic2024-11-01SE
Gergely RónaIdentifying small molecule inhibitors against human exonucleases to aid existing therapies in oncology.2024-12-31SE
István SeriDefinition and management of neonatal cardiovascular compromise utilizing the tools of precision medicine2025-05-31SE
Nóra SydóPharmacology and dietetics of extreme exercise and extreme environmental circumstances (spaceflight, defence)2024-12-31SE
Dóra SzabóThe role of gut microbiota in different diseases2024-11-01SE
Attila József SzabóLong COVID syndrome in children2025-05-31SE
Árpád SzállásiTRP channel expression in malignant tumors: implications for diagnosis, prognosis, a2024-11-01SE
Árpád SzállásiTumor-associated Cardohydrate Antigen (TACA) expression in solid tumors: implications for immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy2024-11-01SE
Ágota SzepesiClinicopathology and molecular basis of cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorders.2024-11-01SE
Éva Sztárayné Dr. KézdyChanging parental roles in today's Hungary2024-11-30SE
Tamás TábiStudy of degenerative mechanisms and effect of cytoprotective compounds2024-09-30SE
Zoltán Takácsi-NagyRadiotherapy and radiochemotherapy of head and nack cancers2024-11-01SE
Botond TimárComprehensive genetic and clinicopathological characterisation of myeloid neoplasias2024-11-01SE
István Vályi-NagyCOVID-19: course, predictive and prognostic factors, diagnosis and therapy2025-05-31SE
Gergely VargaPlasma cell dyscrasias2025-05-31SE
Apor Veres-SzékelyInvestigating the pathomechanism of chronic diseases associated with pathological tissue remodeling and fibrosis2025-05-31SE
Mónika FeketeThe key to healthy aging: nutrition and disease prevention in an epidemiological context2025-05-30MONI
Péter PetschnerOmics-based investigations of polygenic central nervous system disorders2024-09-30SE DI
Péter PetschnerApplication of artificial intelligence algorithms for novel drug target discovery in polygenic disorders2024-09-30SE DI
Zsolt István BagyuraExamination of novel data collection and data utilization methods in the medical information technology2025-04-05SEETK
Edina Dr. Némethné Dr. GradvohlThe history of medical and health science in relation to bioethical issues2024-11-30SEETK
Zsuzsanna NémethThe role of complementary treatments in prevension of non-communicable diseases , moreover their effects on disease progression and efficiety of conventional treatment2025-04-05SEETK
Imre RurikObesity related research2024-11-30SEETK
Imre RurikResearch on sexuality and mens’health2024-11-30SEETK
Johanna TakácsAssessment of cognitive functioning in different conditions2025-04-30SEETK

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