Current thesis topic proposals of The University of Miskolc
Current thesis topic proposals of The University of Miskolc

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Katarzyna ZomboryAdoption in the European Convention on Human Rights Law2024-12-31MEÁJK
Zsuzsa WoperaHarmonization of Hungarian Civil Procedure and the European Law of Civil Procedure2024-12-31ÁJK
Marcin WielecI. International protection of the victim in criminal trial II. Innovation and technologies in the criminal trial - review of international solutions and assessment of t2024-12-31MEÁJK
Petrov VladanConstitutional identity: a Core of Modern Constitution or a Constitutional Fiction? – a special view on the constitutional systems of the Former Real Socialist States2024-12-31MEÁJK
Mario VinkovićEqual treetment and Free Movement of Workers2024-12-31MEÁJK
Emőd VeressComparative legal examination of Central and Eastern European private law systems and institutions2024-12-31MEÁJK
Emőd VeressThe challenges of Hungarian company law and securities law regulation2024-12-31MEÁJK
Emőd VeressConvergence and Divergence in Private Law in East-Central Europe2024-12-31MEÁJK
Zoltán VargaHungarian and international regulation of state (public)revenue2024-12-31ME
Gabriella Vadászné BognárSimilarity solutions of MHD flow in non-Newtonian power-law fluid2024-12-31GET
Gabriella Vadászné BognárAnalysis and evaluation of coating characteristics2024-12-31GET
Bence UdvarhelyiDevelopment tendencies of European criminal law and its impact on the substantive criminal law of the Member States2024-12-31MEÁJK
Hilda TóthThe development tendencies of domestic and European law of social law and connection points with labor law2024-12-31MEÁJK
Balázs TóthApplication of multi-field dual-mixed variational formulation to coupled initial-value problems of linearly thermoelastic solids2024-12-31MMI
András TormaThe basis for the modernization of public administration2024-12-31ÁJK
Jurij ToplakI. Central Europe’s Compliance with the European Convention of Human Rights II. Electoral Disputes and Election Law Standards in Europe2024-12-31MEÁJK
János Ede SzilágyiInstruments of the sustainable development in connection with agricultural law and energy law2024-12-31ÁJK
Bernadett SzekeresTheoretical and practical problems of the new type of employment in the changing labor law and social legal framework in Hungary and Europe2024-12-31MEÁJK
Szabolcs Szávai
György Kovács
Multi-objective optimisation of composite sandwich structures2024-12-31GET
Miklós SzabóTradition and innovation of theoretical foundation of law2024-12-31ÁJK
Grega StrbanSocial Security Rights of non-standard workers, especiall platform workers in Central European Region, concertating on Romanian, Hungarian and Slovakian legal system2024-12-31MEÁJK
Frane StanicicI. State-Church Relations in Selected Central European States II. Administrative Procedure in Central European States – is there a Common Ground? III. Denationalisatio2024-12-31MEÁJK
Pawel SobczykI. The freedoms, rights and obligations of persons and citizens II. Constitutional law with particular emphasis on constitutional principles (primary/basic principles) a2024-12-31MEÁJK
Katarína ŠmigováIII. Digital rights and jurisdiction of a state in terms of public international law2024-12-31MEÁJK
Katarína ŠmigováII. Vaccination policy in terms of international and regional protection of human rights2024-12-31MEÁJK
Katarína ŠmigováI. Status and protection of the rights of the elderly at the international and regional level2024-12-31MEÁJK
Milan SkulicImpact of ad hoc International Criminal Tribunals on the establishment and jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court2024-12-31MEÁJK
Ivan SimovicTrends in the development of children's right in contemporary world - challenges and doubts2024-12-31MEÁJK
David SehnálekJudicial Dialog between the CJEU/ECHR and Constitutional Courts Justifications2024-12-31MEÁJK
Pál Sáry1. The Connection Between Religion and Law from Antiquity to the Present 2. The Development of Roman Law in Antiquity2024-12-31ÁJK
Ferenc SarkaResearch on the behaviour of components made with additive technology against long-term, constant loads2024-12-31GET
Ferenc SarkaResearch in the operating conditions of toothed elements made with additive technology2024-12-31GET
Edit SápiCopyright protection and the possible new directions of the protection of cultural and artistic works2024-12-31MEÁJK
Ferenc SánthaSpecial forms of criminal liability of criminal law and international criminal law2024-12-31ÁJK
Suncana RoksandicArtificial intelligence in criminal law matters2024-12-31MEÁJK
Bartosz RakoczyLegal challenges related to the closure of nuclear facilities - comparative approach2024-12-31MEÁJK
Anikó RaiszChallenges of the 21st century in the field of the international protection of human rights and the environment2024-12-31ÁJK
Michal RadvanTax law, financial law2024-12-31MEÁJK
Sándor RadeleczkiApplying concept lattices and rough sets in data management2024-12-31MAT
Zoltán RáczThe questions of labour law as a branch of law(public law-civil law)2024-12-31ÁJK
Réka PusztahelyiEffects of the technology for civil law liability2024-12-31ME
Réka PusztahelyiThe impact of digitization on the regulation of private law2024-12-31MEÁJK
Tamás PrugbergerIssues of the undertakings relations within the organization in Hungary in the field of industrial and agricultural production and trade in the light of the European lega2024-12-31ÁJK
Anita PaulovicsConstitutional foundations of the structure and functioning of the public administration2024-12-31ÁJK
Grzegorz PastuszkoLegal models of integral management of parliament in selected European countries2024-12-31MEÁJK
István OlajosThe agricultural law, environmental and energy law support system, administrative procedures relating to grants, institutional and contractual system.2024-12-31ÁJK
Zoltán NagyPublic finances, tendencies of taxation and the development of the financial institutions in the light of the Hungarian and EU regulation2024-12-31ÁJK
Anita NagyCriminal procedure law and criminal enforcement law in the light of the successes, particularly with regard to international trends2024-12-31ÁJK
Adrienn NagyHungarian and international features of procedures for securing creditors' claims2024-12-31ME
Katarzyna Myszona-KostrzewaRegulating space activities in a challenging legal and political landscape2024-12-31MEÁJK
Piotr MostowikMaternity, paternity and filiation of child: cross-border aspects of civil status registration and protection of national ordre public2024-12-31MEÁJK
Gábor MélypatakiThe impact of social innovation on employment and social rights2024-12-31MEÁJK
Imre MátyásThe ways of progress of unified European private law, the tendencies of the efforts of legal unification regarding the substantive law and law of conflicts.2024-12-31ÁJK
László LeszkovenLaw of contractual guarantees2024-12-31ÁJK
Veronika LehotayThe relationship between the state and the individual: changes in jurisprudence, legislation and practice in the private law and criminal law between 1848 and 19442024-12-31MEÁJK
Michal KowalskiAdoption in the European Convention on Human Rights2024-12-31MEÁJK
Szilveszter KovácsFuzzy State Machine based Behavior Models2024-12-31INF
Péter Zoltán KovácsTheoretical and experimental investigation of clinching2024-12-31ATI
Péter Zoltán KovácsTheoretical and experimental investigation of multipoint forming of sheets2024-12-31ATI
László KovácsAttribute Reduction in Semantic Models2024-12-31INF
László KovácsNeural Networks in Optimisation Problems2024-12-31INF
László KovácsNeural Networks in Ontology2024-12-31INF
György KovácsTechnical diagnosis and maintenance of machines and mechanisms2024-12-31GYT
György KovácsOptimization and improvement of transportation, warehousing and production activities2024-12-31GYT
György KovácsOptimization and improvement of logistics systems and processes2024-12-31GYT
Ibolya Katalin KonczThe main trends of the social background of law and jurisdictional in the Modern History2024-12-31ÁJK
Ágnes JuhászThe transformation of contractual relations in the XXI. century2024-12-31MEÁJK
Senad JasarevicThe challenges of labor law in the digital economy2024-12-31MEÁJK
Erika Jámborné RóthTendencies in the development of the Criminal Procedural Law2024-12-31ÁJK
Adrienn JámborBasic law challenges in the 21st century2024-12-31MEÁJK
Nóra JakabTendencies of labour law in the light of the European and Hungarian development with special regard to the legal status, labour relations and new employment forms.2024-12-31ÁJK
Judit JacsóProtection of the free movement of capital and payments by means of criminal law and the money laundering in the EU.2024-12-31ÁJK
Krisztián HriczóNumerical simulation of the heat and mass flow of a solar collector applying alternative liquids2024-12-31MAT
Zsófia HornyákTheoretical and practical issues of the agricultural holding system2024-12-31MEAJK
Ondrej HorákComparative study of the restitution of church properties in Hungary, Romania, Poland, the Czech Republic, with particular attention to the Catholic Church's endowments2024-12-31MEÁJK
Tímea Heinerné BarzóI. Personal and property relations of the subjects of civil law legal relationships, the dogmatical issues on the law of persons, the modern family law, and the law of ob2024-12-31ÁJK
Tímea Heinerné BarzóII. Subjective rights, privatization efforts and liability relationships in the field of health care2024-12-31ÁJK
Tamás HallókThe institutions of political democracy in the Constitutional Law2024-12-31ÁJK
József GulaThe Protection of the Order of Economy and Economic Competition in Criminal Law"2024-12-31ÁJK
Ilona GörgényiTendencies in the advancement of criminal law, criminal policy and criminology2024-12-31ÁJK
Anna-Maria Getoš KalacCriminological Analysis of Recidivism: On the Etiology, Phenomenology and Potential Prevention of Reoffending2024-12-31MEÁJK
Lilla GarayováI. National Sovereignty and the Principle of Primacy in EU Law II. Recognition of Paterhood between Member States2024-12-31MEÁJK
István FöldesConceptual questions of information and information technology in European criminal law2024-12-31INF
István FöldesCombinatorics of data compression codes2024-12-31INF
Benjamin FlanderPolice Interrogation of Suspects of Crime in Human Rights and Comparative Law Perspectives2024-12-31MEÁJK
Ákos FarkasDevelopment trends in criminal law sciences2024-12-31ÁJK
Andrea ErdősováI. Termination of employment – jurisprudence of the Slovak Courts – comparison within the selected CEE countries2024-12-31MEÁJK
Andrea ErdősováII. Surrogacy and its legal circumstances in the legislation and case law of selected states and ECHR2024-12-31MEÁJK
Éva ErdősThe Scientific Foundation of the Law of Public Finances2024-12-31ÁJK
Attila DudásI. Resolution of the Crisis of Consumer Credit Contracts indexed in CHF in the CEE countries2024-12-31MEÁJK
Attila DudásII. Different regulatory frame of conformity and guarantees in consumer sales contracts in the CEE countries2024-12-31MEÁJK
Slavko DjordjevicEU succession regulation and Western Balkan countries as third (non-EU) states2024-12-31MEÁJK
Zsolt CzékmannAdministrative law in information society2024-12-31ÁJK
Erika Csemáné VáradiThe national and international developmental trends of criminology and youth justice and the connecting questions.2024-12-31ÁJK
Csilla CsákHungarian and international regulation of human and natural resources' law2024-12-31ÁJK
Dalibor ČepuloRight to self-determination of peoples, state-building and dissolution of the states in Central and Southeast Europe2024-12-31MEÁJK
Sándor BozsikEfficiency analysis of financial markets2024-12-31ME
Péter BencsDevelopment and application of optical measurement techniques to determine the characteristics of a flow around a heated cylinder2024-12-31EVG
Péter BencsDevelopment and application of optical measurement techniques to determine the characteristics of a flow around a heated cylinder2024-12-31EVG
Judit BartaCommercial law and the European and domestic legal development of the related instruments of the Hungarian pension system2024-12-31ÁJK

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