Current thesis topic proposals of The Corvinus University of Budapest
Current thesis topic proposals of The Corvinus University of Budapest

thesis supervisor

research topic

deadline for application

location of studies (in Hungarian)
Péter Vékás" Actuarial science, Mortality forecasting, Longevity risk, Pensions"2024-12-31CUB
László Péter LakatosAccounting for employee benefits and similar incentive2024-12-31BCE
József BanyárActuarial science, Life insurance, Pensions2024-12-31CUB
Ádám CsapóAdaptive and re-configurable virtual reality spaces2024-12-31CUB
Ádám CsapóAI-supported Multimodal Knowledge Management2024-12-31CUB
Gábor HarangozóAlternative Business Models to Promote Sustainability2024-12-31BCE
Péter VékásApplications of artificial intelligence in insurance2024-12-31CUB
Tibor IllésApplications of Vector Optimization Problems in Business and Economics2024-12-31BCE
Csaba CsákiArtificial Intelligence ethics and governance2024-12-31BCE
Csaba CsákiArtificial Intelligence in Higher Education2024-12-31BCE
Hubert János KissBehavioral and experimental economics, bank runs2024-12-31CUB
Richárd SzántóBehavioral economics and behavioral interventions2024-12-31CUB
Péter JuhászBusiness analysis and valuation2024-12-31CUB
Miklós KozmaBusiness model innovations in a digital environment2024-12-31BCE
Róbert MarciniakBusiness services management2024-12-31BCE
Ildikó HorváthCognitive Aspects of Virtual Reality (cVR)2024-12-31BCE
Ildikó HorváthCognitive Aspects of Virtual Reality (cVR)2024-12-31CUB
Tamás SolymosiCooperative Game Theory2024-12-31CUB
Dániel HavranCorporate Finance2024-12-31CUB
Anna Laura HideghCritical management studies2024-12-31BCE
Bálint BlaskovicsCritical success factors and success criteria in project management2024-12-31BCE
Ágnes SzukitsData-driven management and control2024-12-31BCE
Johannes WachsDigital Supply Chains2024-12-31BCE
Péter MóriczDigital transformation in organizations, digitalization of business models and processes2024-12-31BCE
István KónyaEconomic growth, convergence, development2024-12-31CUB
Dániel HornEducation Economics2024-12-31CUB
Péter ElekEmpirical health economics, Applied econometrics2024-12-31CUB
Zsuzsa Réka HuszárEmprical Finance (asset pricing), Short selling, Market Efficiency, Anomalies, Household Finance (incl. pension investment, mortgage and real estate valuation), Energy Fi2024-12-31CUB
Álmos TelegdyEmprical studies of firms and workers2024-12-31CUB
Zsuzsa Réka HuszárEnergy market fragility EU, US and beyond2024-12-31BCE
Helena NaffaESG investments, sustainable finance, biodiversity finance, financing NbS2024-12-31CUB
Ildikó HorváthExamination of AI Personalized Services2024-12-31CUB
Attila WiesztFamily business research2024-12-31BCE
Péter CsókaFinance applications of economic theory (game theory, network theory, and general equilibrium theory).2024-12-31CUB
Dávid LosonciFirm competitiveness2024-12-31BCE
György DrótosFrom Digital Strategies to IT Project Management2024-12-31CUB
Imre FertőGreening and Sustainability of the Common Agricultural Policy2024-12-31CUB
Gergely KovátsHigher education management2024-12-31BCE
Andrea KőIndustry 4.0 Maturity Model2024-12-31BCE
János KissInnovation and firm’s performance2024-12-31CUB
Tünde TátraiInnovative public procurement2024-12-31CUB
Erzsébet KovácsInternational comparison of pension systems2024-12-31BCE
Orsolya VásárhelyiIntersectional Inequalities in Online Science Dissemination2024-12-31BCE
Balázs ReizerLabor economics and public finance2024-12-31CUB
Orsolya VásárhelyiLeveraging Diversity to Mitigate Algorithmic Discrimination in Data Science2024-12-31BCE
István KónyaMacroeconomic analysis of the labor market2024-12-31CUB
Miklós VáryMacroeconomics with special emphasis on monetary and fiscal policy (applying DSGE models, agent-based models, and network science)2024-12-31CUB
György DrótosManagement of Public Organizations, Transformation of Public Services2024-12-31CUB
Zsuzsa Réka HuszárMarket efficiency - the new normal post Covid -19 pandemic2024-12-31BCE
Attila HavasMeasurement of business and social innovation2024-12-31BCE
László CsatóOperations research in sports2024-12-31CUB
Miklós PálfiaOptimization, gradient flows and nonlinear probability theory2024-12-31BCE
György DrótosProcess Management with Information Technology2024-12-31CUB
György DrótosProfessionalization of Family Businesses2024-12-31CUB
Zsuzsa Réka HuszárProperty prices during and after the Covid-19 pandemic in Europe and Asia.2024-12-31BCE
Gyöngyi VörösmartyPurchasing and supply management2024-12-31CUB
László Péter LakatosReflecting the connection between the entity and its environment in the financial statements and other reports. ESG reporting2024-12-31BCE
Bálint BlaskovicsRequired competencies in project management2024-12-31BCE
Balázs SziklaiSocial choice, laboratory experiments, mechanism design2024-12-31CUB
György PatakiSocial innovation, social enterprise, solidarity economy2024-12-31BCE
Balázs SziklaiSocial networks, innovation spreading, network diffusion, network centrality2024-12-31CUB
Fanni RenczSocietal and patient preferences in healthcare: utility assessment, cost-effectiveness and financial decision-making2024-12-31BCE
Csaba CsákiSpace, place, and identity in the Metaverse2024-12-31BCE
Krisztina Andrássport economics2024-12-31BCE
Tamás MizikState and opportunities of biofuels2024-12-31BCE
Judit NagySupply chain resilience2024-12-31CUB
Dávid LosonciSupply networks and business networks; Digitalisation; Competitiveness2024-12-31CUB
Gábor HarangozóSustainability Indicators2024-12-31BCE
Edina BerlingerSustainable finance2024-12-31CUB
Krisztina Városiné DemeterThe contribution of operations management to performance2024-12-31BCE
Imre FertőThe economics of beer2024-12-31CUB
Éva BerdeThe impact of demography on the economy; Labour market.2024-12-31CUB
Dávid LosonciThe impact of process innovation on business performance2024-12-31BCE
Attila TasnádiTopics in computational social choice2024-12-31BCE
Gábor MichalkóTourism and transdisciplinarity2024-12-31BCE
Álmos TelegdyWorker mobility across firms, occupations and industries2024-12-31CUB

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