The University of Pécs and
the Doctoral School of Pharmacologycal and Pharmaceutical Sciences
cordially invites You

to the habilitation presentation of
Éva Szőke
(publication list in the MTMT).

Scientific lecture
    Title: Investigation of activatory and inhibitory mechanisms of Transient Receptor Potential ion channels.
    Place and time: PTE ÁOK Elméleti Tömbjének 3. szemináriumi helyisége, 2018. IV. 25. 12:00

Educational lecture
    Title: Neurotransmitters of the CNS
    Place and time: PTE ÁOK Elméleti Tömbjének III. sz. előadóterme, 2018. IV. 25. 08:00

Educational lecture in a foreign language
    Title: Neurotransmitters of the CNS
    Place and time: PTE ÁOK Elméleti Tömbjének III. sz. előadóterme, 2018. IV. 25. 14:00

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