The University of Miskolc
cordially invites You

to the habilitation presentation of
Péter Baumli
(publication list in the MTMT).

Scientific lecture
    Title (in Hungarian): Ni-P bevonatok és kompozitok előállítása (to be translated)
    Place and time: Miskolci Egyetem online
https://zoom.us/j/92731977068?pwd=TWMzaVFiQ1U3aXVTM0t2TXN5dHJQUT09, 2021. I. 21. 11:00

Scientific lecture in a foreign language
    Title: Preparation of aluminum matrix composites using molten salt auxiliary phase
    Place and time: Miskolci Egyetem online
https://zoom.us/j/92731977068?pwd=TWMzaVFiQ1U3aXVTM0t2TXN5dHJQUT09, 2021. I. 21. 11:00

Educational lecture
    Title (in Hungarian): Bevezetés a nanoszerkezetű anyagok szintézisébe (to be translated)
    Place and time: Miskolci Egyetem online
https://zoom.us/j/92731977068?pwd=TWMzaVFiQ1U3aXVTM0t2TXN5dHJQUT09, 2021. I. 21. 11:00

further information

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