The Debrecen University of Reformed Theology and
the Doctoral School of Reformed Theology
cordially invites You

Imre Tokics
to the habilitation presentation of
Imre Tokics
(publication list in the MTMT).

Scientific lecture
    Title (in Hungarian): A jajin hatása a bibliai kultúrákra és a Tanakh szövegére (to be translated)
    Place and time: DRHE Rektori ülésterem, 2019. VI. 28. 10:00

Educational lecture
    Title (in Hungarian): A Tutanhamon sírjában fellelt boroskorsók érdekessége (to be translated)
    Place and time: DRHE Szenci Molnár Albert terem, 2019. VI. 28. 11:00

Educational lecture in a foreign language
    Title: Wine in the Old Testament: God’s Gift and Blessing
    Place and time: DRHE Szenci Molnár Albert terem, after the Hungarian lecture.

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