The Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest and
the Doctoral School of Literature
cordially invites You

to the habilitation presentation of
Csibra Zsuzsanna
(publication list in the MTMT).

Scientific lecture
    Title: Confucian moral values and Taoist mysticism in the short story of Pu Songling entitled Fang Wenshu
    Place and time: 1088 Budapest, Mikszáth Kálmán tér 1. - Sophianum, 203. terem, 2020. I. 14. 14:00

Scientific lecture in a foreign language
    Title: Confucian moral values and Taoist mysticism in the short story of Pu Songling entitled Fang Wenshu
    Place and time: 1088 Budapest, Mikszáth Kálmán tér 1. - Sophianum, 203. terem, 2020. I. 14. 14:00

Educational lecture
    Title: Popular themes of the Tang-Age narrative literature
    Place and time: 1088 Budapest, Mikszáth Kálmán tér 1. - Sophianum, 203. terem, 2020. I. 14. 14:00

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