Thesis topic proposal
The potential contribution of altered intestinal microbiome to the nitrergic myenteric neuropathy in animal models of type-1 diabetes mellitus


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School of Biology

Thesis supervisor: Mária Bagyánszki
Location of studies (in Hungarian): SZTE TTIK Élettani, Szervezettani és Idegtudományi T
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZTE

Description of the research topic:

The interactions between gut microbiota and immune system in the gastrointestinal tract are determinative in the emergence of diabetes-related gastrointestinal symptoms. Therefore, detailed metagenomic analyses are planned to investigate the cellular and molecular background of gut-region dependent diabetic nitrergic myenteric neuropathy. Our aim to define the gut microbiota in the different segments of small and large intestine in diabetic, insulin-treated diabetic and control animals, furthermore to investigate the signaling processes which are initiated by the mucosa associated microbiota in diabetes and affect enterocytes, different types of immune cells and even enteric neurons.

Required language skills: angol

Deadline for application: 2015-10-13

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