Thesis topic proposal
István Soós
Investigation into physical activity and sedentary lifestyle in the light of international recommmendations


Institute: University of Physical Education
sport sciences
Doctoral School of Sport Sciences

Thesis supervisor: István Soós
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Testnevelési Egyetem
Abbreviation of location of studies: TE

Description of the research topic:

Aims and objectives of the research topic

This research topic intends to investigate the correlates and determinants as well as people’s motivation, why they decide to live a physically active, healthy lifestyle or pursue a technological (usually screen-based) sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle can also include socialising (usually sitting) lifestyle and motorised transport as well. Sedentary multitasking activities also contribute to unhealthy habits. WHO and other international recommendations are useful to enhance health-related physical activity as well as limit time spent with sedentary activities, as part of people’s behaviour change. In addition, the effect of Covid19 pandemic can be investigated regarding forced sedentary behaviours and the changes in people’s physical activity habits under the new, unprecedented circumstances.

The research topic is based on social science research and mainly includes research from the point of view of sports pedagogy and sports psychology. Suggested topics for PhD students:
• Research on the relationship between physical activity and healthy lifestyles as interdisciplinary sciences in the light of international trends and recommendations.
• An overview of physical activity and inactivity, their broad spectrum, their relationship to each other, and the use of “objective” and social science measurement methods related to the topic. These include “EMA method” (Ecological Momentary Assessment).
• Pedagogical and psychological aspects of the development of physical activity, especially among young people, as well as theoretical and practical issues in the study of certain groups requiring special treatment.
• Researching “multitasking” as a modern phenomenon and proposing solutions with reference to the literature and independent measurements.
• Research on motivational techniques, methods and intervention options for a healthy lifestyle based on the literature and independent research.
• Research on factors influencing physical activity and sedentary lifestyles as specific behaviors. These include the use of modern electronic devices, the amount found in households, their spatial location, and the root causes of “snacking” habits. These phenomena may be associated with obesity, diabetes, and the development of various behavioral and pedagogical-psychic dysfunctions. Finding solutions to solutions and prevention tools.
Modelling behaviour change based upon Trans Contextual Model (TCM) and its sub-theories (SDT - Self-Determination Theory and TPB - Theory of Planned Behaviour).

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2021-01-15

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