Józsa László
The role of culture in the customers' preferences


Intézmény: Pannon Egyetem
gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok
Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományok Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Józsa László
helyszín (magyar oldal): Pannon Egyetem
helyszín rövidítés: PE

A kutatási téma leírása:

Description of the research topic (up to 1.5 pages):

1/ Description of the research field and the narrower research topic.
We are living in a globalized world. Globalization is deeper and deeper, the obligation of the internationalization of entrepreneurship is stronger and stronger. The companies must meet foreign customers, suppliers, and business partners. The buying and selling processes suppose the understanding of the customers with different preferences. Because of these facts, more and more scientific articles deal with the potential business problems between the different cultures. For competitive companies, understanding the business discussions is very important, especially when they operate in different cultural environments. Culture is an important part and contribution to the business success. The employees of the firms work in a multinational circumstance. The physical distance or time differences are not a barrier before the investments. The acceleration of global business development is followed by the growing interest in culture-oriented marketing research, which can be seen in many articles of the leading scientific journals. So, the internationally competitive companies would like to understand the factors influencing the business negotiations and the consumer preferences and behavior of the people living in different cultures.
The research topic belongs to business science and concentrates on the elements of successful business talks and some aspects of customer preferences. On one side, the Central European companies would like to increase their competitiveness in Asia; from the other side, the Asian business partners would like to understand the Central European region too. This planned research fits in these scientific tendencies, and it concentrates on the business preferences in different (especially Central European and Asian) cultures.

2/ A few sentences to support the importance and timeliness of the research topic. Refer to the most important domestic and international publications on the subject.

If we concentrate on the topic of the research, we can mention several international publications. Hofstede (2008) dealt with the role of culture in different societies, Friedman (2005) introduced the expression "flat world", Ger (1999) introduced "global village" describing the present tendencies. Pásztor (2020) discussed the role of cultural intelligence in international business. There were several articles about the personal aspects of the business discussions (Belbin, 2016, Gutierrez, 2018 etc.). Fam (from 2010) from New Zealand has dealt with "Chopsticks" marketing in several articles, emphasizing the importance of cooperation and understanding. Tang (2019, 2020) from Malaysia has concentrated on tourism, analyzing some success factors. So, these and other research demonstrate the importance of our planes, but also, they can show the scientific lack of Central European analyses. Sources:
Belbin, M. (2016): The Belbin® Team Role Circle,
Fam, K-S, Yang, Z.- Hyman, M. (2009): Confucian/Chopsticks Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, 88: pp. 393-397
Ger, G. (1999): Localizing in the global village: Local firms competing in global markets. In California Management Review, 1999, 41 (4) pp. 64-83
Gutiérrez, L. - Flores, V. - Keith, B. - Quelopana, A. (2018). Using the Belbin method and models for predicting the academic performance of engineering students. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, pp. 1-10.
Hofstede, G. - Hofstede G. J. (2008): Kultúrák és szervezetek. Az elme szoftvere. VHE Kft, Pécs
Pásztor, J. (2020): Kulturális intelligencia (CQ) – A jövő vezetőinek kulcskompetenciája, XXIII. Tavaszi Szél Konferencia, Budapest

3./ The supervisor outlines the scientific history of the research through the national and international literature (max. 8-10 sentences)
As in the former point was mentioned, there were and are several articles about the cultural aspects of customer preferences and business discussions. On the other hand, the detailed comparative analyses between the Central European (f.e. Hungarian, Slovakian) and Asian contexts are missing. The reason is straightforward. In general, it is not easy to find research partners. In the case of this topic, we can lean on the MAG Scholar (Marketing in Asia Group) members who can help with the collection of data. In this group, there was much cooperation during the last ten years, and some co-authored articles were published with the supervisor of this topic. Prof. Kim Shyan Fam in New Zealand, Prof. Amit Jain in India, Ass. Prof. Hiram Tang in Malaysia are very keen on these research directions, and we worked together on some similar topics during the last several years. The Far and the Middle East for Hungary and Central Europe for these regions are relatively unknown, so the expected results could be interesting for science and practice. Some articles of the research field are:

Bhaskaran, S.- Sukumaran, N. (2007): National culture, business culture and management practices: consequential relationships? Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 54-67
D'Souza, C. (2003): An inference of gift‐giving within Asian business culture, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 15 No. 1/2, pp. 27-38.
Gilsdorf, J. W. (1997): Metacommunication effects on international business negotiating in China. In Business Communication Quarterly, 29 (4) pp. 749-772.
Kim, K-S, Yang, Z.- Hyman, M. (2009): Confucian/Chopsticks Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, 88: pp. 393-397
Mostert, N. M. (2015): Belbin – the way forward for innovation teams. Journal of Creativity and Business Innovation, Vol. 1, pp. 35-48
Reynolds, N., Simintiras, A. - Vlachou, E. (2003): International business negotiations: Present knowledge and direction for future research. In International Marketing Revie, 20 (3) pp. 236-261.
4./ The goal of the research
To understand the potential problems originating from the customers' cultural differences especially between our narrower region and Asia. Which factors are important in the success of business talks between Asia and us? How is it possible to increase the understanding to fulfill the requirements of the business partners and customers? Are there, and if yes, which differences are in the customers' preferences in the case of similar products and why? Is it possible to explain the differences between the different cultures or not?

5./ The most important publications of the supervisor in the research topic. (Max 5)
1.Wee-Ming, Lau; László, Józsa; Yoong-Wai, Chan; Yee-Ling, Fong; Hiram, Ting; Kim-Lim, Tan: Beliefs and attitude towards political advertising during Malaysia's political tsunami
International Journal of Business & Society 21:1 pp. 285-299. 15 p. (2020)
2. Liu, Yang; Li, Qi; Edu, Tudor; Józsa, Laszlo ; Negricea, Iliuta Costel
Mobile shopping platform characteristics as consumer behavior determinants
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, pp. 1-23.,23 p. (2019)
3. Ferencz, Veronika; Stirber, Tomáš; Józsa, László
The influence of the culture of nations on a business discussion
International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding 4:3-4p. 183 (2019)
4. Seres-Huszárik, Erika; Józsa, László; Tóth, Zsuzsanna
Factors determining the development of business relationships in the advertising market
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 14:8 pp. 65-82.,18 pp (2017)

6./ The most important national and international journals, which are published on this topic (max. 5), and are classified as A-D, Q1-Q4.
Journal of International Business Studies Q1
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Q2
International Journal of Business and Society Q3
Asian Journal of Business Research Q4
In Hungary:
Acta Oeconomica Q2
Közgazdasági Szemle A
Vezetéstudomány B
Marketing és Menedzsment C

előírt nyelvtudás: angol
felvehető hallgatók száma: 2

Jelentkezési határidő: 2022-12-30

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