Fresneau Nolwenn
Liker András
Reproductive sex roles in the Pheasant-tailed jacana


Intézmény: Pannon Egyetem
Kémiai és Környezettudományi Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Liker András
társ-témavezető: Fresneau Nolwenn
helyszín (magyar oldal): MTA-PE Evolutionary Ecology Research Group
helyszín rövidítés: PEEER

A kutatási téma leírása:

Male-only care is a rare parental care system in birds. Also called sex-role reversal, it is commonly associated with classical polyandry where one female mates with several males while each male incubates the eggs and cares for the brood. Despite several theoretical, experimental and comparative studies it is still unclear what ecological and evolutionary processes drive this breeding strategy. Theory suggests that the evolution of a parental care strategy (i.e. sex-role reversal) is a dynamic, multivariate process involving co-evolutionary feedback between demography, behaviour, and sexual selection, but this has rarely been tested in a system with male-only parental care. Sex-role reversed species provide a particularly exciting benchmark system to test current hypotheses of sex role and mating system evolution.

This PhD project will focus on sex role reversal in a unique species, the Pheasant-tailed jacanas. Although its polyandrous mating system has been described by earlier studies, there are hardly any information about the ecology, population demography, and behaviour of the species. Using behavioural observations in a wild population in Thailand, the student will investigate inter- and intra-individual variation in mate competition, pair bonding and parenting. Aims of this project are essentially, but not limited (1) to measure the extent of behavioural flexibility in mating patterns, (2) to understand the degree to which this variation is shaped by environmental and demographic conditions, and (3) to investigate potential behavioural male strategies leading to reduced pre- and post-copulatory competition between males paired to the same female.

Interested candidates should contact Dr Nolwenn Fresneau ( and Dr András Liker ( for further information. Applications that include a CV (max 2 pages) and cover letter with personal motivation (max 2 pages) and the name and contact details of two references (all in English) should be sent to Dr Fresneau before 15 May 2021.
Székely, T, FJ Weissing & J Komdeur. 2014. Adult sex ratio variation: implications for breeding system evolution. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27: 1500-1512.
Liker, A, RP Freckleton & T Székely. 2013. The evolution of sex roles in birds is related to adult sex ratio. Nature Communications 4: 1587.

előírt nyelvtudás: English
további elvárások: 
We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic person with a background in biology, zoology or relevant discipline, a good understanding of evolutionary biology and interest to learn field biology and laboratory methods. The candidate should

felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2022-08-31

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