Kárpáti Judit Eszter
SOFT INTERFACES - Material Innovation


Intézmény: Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem
Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Kárpáti Judit Eszter
helyszín (magyar oldal): Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem, 1121 Bp, Zugligeti út 9-25.
helyszín rövidítés: MOME

A kutatási téma leírása:

Complex interdependencies between the material and contemporary digital technologies.
We live in an age dominated by the digital - as social relations, media, and commerce increasingly move from “atoms to bits” - we have not quite left the material world behind.
After a reaction to the increasingly digital landscape of our lives, a craving for tactility and dimension has led us to reconsider the important role of materials once more. Digital technology becomes tactile again, and this neoanalogue tangibility must be designed.

Along with changes in the environment, population, geography, and economy, the textual approach adopted by this cultural shift has become increasingly inadequate for an understanding of contemporary society. A weave of New Materialism has emerged, which allows us to re-understand material and emphasize the role of material factors in shaping society and expressing human vision. New Materialism focuses on the latest physics and biology research results, re-examines our inert understanding of matter, and gives it a dynamic, sporadic, and spiritual side. Interdisciplinary material thinking is the fundamental concept of this topic.
Textile based input and output soft interfaces allow for seamless integration of technology into our everyday environments. Hybrid textiles and materials integrate sensing and actuation components into their structures to bring interactivity to fabrics and have the potential to be utilised particularly in sensory stimulation applications. Novel textile-based interactive surfaces extend our musical interactions and expressions allowing for the application of a creative experimental approach to propose and prototype new architectures for responsive and adaptive environments.
The DLA project will involve practice-based research methodology and experimental prototyping, generating experiential knowledge alongside literature review work.

Mixed media - tech textile / fashion:
• Augmented Materials
• Human-material interaction
• Interdisciplinary Material Thinking
• Tangible embedded and embodied interaction
• Textiles, Sound, Spaces
• Reactive Textile Structures
• Sonic interaction design
• Dynamic surfaces
• Phygital experience
• Hybrid materiality
• Digital fabrication
• Sensor and actuator technology
• Electronic textiles, Embedded electronics, Soft circuitry
• Wearable technology and performative artifacts, On-body interactions

felvehető hallgatók száma: 2

Jelentkezési határidő: 2022-06-02

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