Zsiborács Henrik
The role of electrochemical energy storage in sustainable energy management


Intézmény: Pannon Egyetem
gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok
Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományok Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Pintér Gábor
társ-témavezető: Zsiborács Henrik
helyszín (magyar oldal): Pannon Egyetem
helyszín rövidítés: PE

A kutatási téma leírása:

Description of the research topic:

1/ The proposed research theme

The basic idea of sustainable development is to ensure the needs of the present without depriving future generations of the opportunity to meet their own needs. To achieve sustainability, we need to optimise our material and energy consumption and minimise waste generation and pollution. Increasing the production, storage and use of renewable energy can reduce dependence on fossil fuels and energy imports and thus contribute to the security of energy supply.
In the case of weather-dependent renewable energy production, the traditional regulation of overproduction is wasteful, and end-users must bear the costs of this. One way to achieve integration and optimal use is to use energy storage technologies.
The research aims to examine the management tools that can be applied to ensure the efficient integration of weather-dependent renewable energy capacity, which is dynamically increasing in Hungary, into the existing electricity system by focusing on sustainability and decarbonisation. A comparison of the amount of electricity generated locally by solar cells and stored locally by means of battery storage facilities and that of the locally produced electricity that is fed back into the grid is necessary according to the following criteria:
1. Sustainability and decarbonisation
a. investigating the effects of energy storage equipment on climate change throughout their life cycle
b. management aspects of the effective integration of energy storage equipment into the electricity grid
2. Energy management
a. analysis of the applied management organisation
b. analysis of the experience gained during operation
c. comparison of various storage technologies

Along the lines above, it is necessary to define measurement and optimisation models that result in efficiency on both the supply and demand side and ensure the security of the energy supply.
Based on the results of the sample projects examined, it will become possible to identify the management directions that guarantee a sustainable and decarbonisation-focused way of using energy storage equipment.

2/ The timeliness of the research topic

Under Directive (EU) 2019/944 of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules for the internal market for electricity, the aims of the electricity market, developing at an ever-accelerating pace, is to create real choices, to open up new business opportunities, to provide competitive prices and appropriate investment signals and a higher level of services for all end-users, i.e. the general public and businesses, and to contribute to the security of supply and sustainability, by organising competitive cross-border electricity markets.
Progress should also be made in seasonal storage to move towards a fully decarbonised and zero-emission electricity sector. This type of energy storage decision variant is a technological direction that would serve as a tool for the operation of the electricity system, allowing both short-term and seasonal adjustments to cope with the variability of electricity generation from weather-dependent renewable sources and the challenges facing the related management organisations.

Relevant publications on the topic:

Christopher Andrey, Luc van Nuffel, Yacine El Idrissi: Study on energy storage – Contribution to the security of electricity supply in Europe, European Commission, 2020

Bineeta Mukhopadhyay, Debapriya Das: Multi-objective dynamic and static reconfiguration with optimized allocation of PV-DG and battery energy storage system, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews · Volume 124, May 2020

Andrea Reimuth, Veronika Locherer, Martin Danner, Wolfram Mauser: How do changes in climate and consumption loads affect residential PV coupled battery energy systems?, Energy, Volume 198, 1 May 2020,

Naïm R. Darghouth, Galen Barbose, Jarett Zuboy, Pieter J. Gagnon, Andrew D. Mills, Lori Bird: Demand charge savings from solar PV and energy storage, Energy Policy
Volume 146, November 2020,

3/ Formulation of the most important questions to be examined generated by the research topic.

The research aims to examine a domestic sample project and to establish a baseline methodology so that the new solutions and their innovative organisational and operational approaches, innovative business models can serve as a model and become comparable internationally with other solutions.

 What kinds of energy management decision variants are possible in Hungary?
 What kind of management model is needed for the installation and operation of the energy storage equipment to be viable?
 How long is the lifespan of a storage facility, and how can the equipment be recycled?
 How can managing the scheduling of charging electric vehicles (regarding vehicles as energy storage units) help equalise weather-dependent renewable energy production peaks within days?

4/ Presentation of the possible database of the study:
• technical, regulatory, financial and economic data generated during the implementation of a pilot project
• available databases of international projects
• qualitative research with semi-structured management interviews (industry, regulatory, authority actors, TSO - MAVIR, 20 consumers, DSOs, independent aggregator)
• evaluation: content analysis and case study methods (15-20 interviews)

5/ The supervisors’ publications on the field (not necessarily the research topic under consideration) (the 5 most important max.):

Dr. habil Gábor Pintér – Dr. Henrik Zsiborács:
1. Pintér, Gábor ; Zsiborács, Henrik ; Hegedűsné Baranyai, Nóra ; Vincze, András ; Birkner, Zoltán: The Economic and Geographical Aspects of the Status of Small-Scale Photovoltaic Systems in Hungary—A Case Study, ENERGIES 13 : 13 p. 3489 (2020)
2. Zsiborács, Henrik ; Baranyai, Nóra Hegedűsné ; Vincze, András ; Zentkó, László ; Birkner, Zoltán ; Máté, Kinga ; Pintér, Gábor, Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources: The Role of Energy Storage in the European Power System of 2040, ELECTRONICS 8 : 7 Paper: 729 , 18 p. (2019)
3. Zsiborács, Henrik ; Hegedűsné Baranyai, Nóra ; Zentkó, László ; Mórocz, Adrián ; Pócs, István ; Máté, Kinga ; Pintér, Gábor: Electricity Market Challenges of Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Technologies in the European Union: Regulatory Challenges and Responses, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 10 : 4 p. 1472 , 26 p. (2020)
4. Henrik, Zsiborács ; Béla, Pályi ; Gábor, Pintér ; József, Popp ; Péter, Balogh ; Zoltán, Gabnai ; Károly, Pető ; István, Farkas ; Nóra, Hegedűsné Baranyai ; Attila, Bai, Technical-economic study of cooled crystalline solar modules, SOLAR ENERGY 140 pp. 227-235. , 9 p. (2016)
5. Gábor, Pintér ; Nóra, Hegedűsné Baranyai ; Alec, Wiliams ; Henrik, Zsiborács: Study of Photovoltaics and LED Energy Efficiency: Case Study in Hungary, ENERGIES 11 : 4 Paper: 790 , 13 p. (2018)

6./ The most important national and international journals, which are published on this topic (max. 5), classified as A-D, Q1-Q4.
Energies, Q2,
Sustainability Q2,
Applied Sciences, Q1
Energiagazdálkodás (BME), A/B
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews D1

előírt nyelvtudás: angol
ajánlott nyelvtudás (magyar oldal): angol
felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2022-06-30

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