Gyurácz-Németh Petra
Csizmadia Tibor
The changing role of the standardized quality management systems in crisis situations


Intézmény: Pannon Egyetem
gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok
Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományok Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Csizmadia Tibor
társ-témavezető: Gyurácz-Németh Petra
helyszín (magyar oldal): Pannon Egyetem
helyszín rövidítés: PE

A kutatási téma leírása:

The research focuses on the changing role of the standardized quality management systems especially the reaction in a crisis situation. On one hand the continuous change, which is one of the most important factors, is accelerated, on the other hand the organisations are supported more effectively by the standardized quality management systems. The aim of the research is to investigate how the standardized quality management systems and their techniques and methods could influence the operation of the organisations especially in situations where quick reactions are necessary. In addition, it is also essential to define the strengths of the standardized and integrated quality management systems as well as their weaknesses to identify where additional methods or instruments are needed. The research concentrates on one of the central elements, the risk-based approach. During the research we will concentrate on the examination of the risk analysis methods focusing on their ability to support the organisations to enable quick reactions especially in crisis situations.
Companies have to meet more and different types of requirements, which are primarily supported by the implementation of standardized quality management systems (Rebelo et al., 2016). At the same time, quick and flexible reaction to the changing needs is one of the most important features of companies’ operation nowadays (Kosztyán et al., 2020). It had been reinforced by the pandemic that started in the first quarter of 2020, which caused a previously unknown situation for the market and resulted in drastic changes in the operation of companies. The role of risk management has become more significant in recent years, as it can be seen as the proper tool to manage crisis situations (Aven, 2016). The importance of the practical implication of the topic is the focus on a central element of the integrated quality management system, the risk based approach. The research aims to explore and investigate current practices.

Companies have to meet more and different types of requirements, which are primarily supported by the implementation of standardized quality management systems (Rebelo et al., 2016). It is also essential for companies to alter their operation according to the continuously changing needs (Kosztyán et al., 2020). Quick and flexible reactions are essential for companies to be able to adapt to intense and complex changes, which are still aligned with the standardized and professional international practices (Ködmönné és Csizmadia, 2020). These factors should be managed in an integrated way utilising the risk based approach, which has been gaining more important role in the standardized systems. According to Vasvári (2015), research of risk is essential in several scientific areas, the management of risk is getting more attention by researchers and practitioners (Liu et al, 2014). These results are supported by our previous research which concentrated on the required risk management options by organisational management systems, from the perspective of totality and flexibility. Within the framework of this research we have also designed a methodology for risk management options. (Kosztyán et al., 2020).
The theoretical background of the research is based on the dynamic ability theory (Teece, et al., 1997), which investigates the responsiveness of the organisation through the process of perception-seizing-modification.

The aim of the research is to investigate how the standardized quality management systems and their techniques and methods could influence the operation of the organisations, especially in situations where quick reactions are necessary. Furthermore it aims to analyse companies’ risk management practices and their level of integration into the standardised management systems. The research is fundamentally an explanatory research, mainly applying qualitative methods. The research analyses and compares less unique (routine activity oriented), product focused or unique, and service focused organisations. We expect theoretical as well as practical results from the research.
5./ A témavezető szakterületre (nem feltétlenül a vizsgált kutatási témakörre) vonatkozó (max. 5 legfontosabb) publikációi.

• Kosztyán, Z. T., Csizmadia, T., Kovács, Z., & Mihálcz, I. (2020). Total risk evaluation framework. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management.
• Ködmönné, Pethő, H., Csizmadia, T. (2020). A minőségirányítási alapfogalmak fejlődésének áttekintése az ISO 9000 5.0 tükrében. Minőség és megbízhatóság, 2020/1 pp. 90-100.
• Bogdány, E ; Bogdany, ÁB ; Csizmadia, T. (2014). Leadership succession and the origin of successor in Hungarian SMEs. Management and Marketing, 9:3, pp. 283-300.
• Kovács, Z., Kosztyán, Z. T., Csizmadia, T. (2014). Total Risk Evaluation Framework: integrált kockázatmenedzsment-szemléletű keretrendszer kifejlesztése és bevezetése egy magyarországi termelővállalatnál. Vezetéstudomány 45:11, pp. 71-82.
• Csizmadia, T., Balogh, Á., Bogdány, E., Polák-Weldon, R., (2012). Improving Quality rather than Feeding the Fads: A Framework for Quality Management in Higher Education. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Management, 11:5, pp. 163-178.

6./ A témakörben publikációkat közlő (max. 5) legfontosabb hazai és nemzetközi folyóiratok megnevezése, azok A-D, Q1-Q4 besorolása.
• International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (B, Q1)
• International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management (C, Q2)
• Total Quality Management and Business Excellence (B, Q1)
• TQM Journal (A, Q1)
• Vezetéstudomány (B)

előírt nyelvtudás: angol
ajánlott nyelvtudás (magyar oldal): angol
felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2022-06-30

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