Kasza Gyula
Csizmadiáné Czuppon Viktória
Local food as a critical factor of sustainable food systems


Intézmény: Pannon Egyetem
gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok
Gazdálkodás- és Szervezéstudományok Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Csizmadiáné Czuppon Viktória
társ-témavezető: Kasza Gyula
helyszín (magyar oldal): Pannon Egyetem
helyszín rövidítés: PE

A kutatási téma leírása:

The aim of this Phd program is to collect good practices regarding food sysutainability and discover
opportunities for a more sustainable food system regionally. The program aims to investigate the
viability of new methods and technologies in the Balaton Uplands region. The goal is to contribute
to the sustainability of food production, by way of better understanding sustainable food solutions
and consumer behaviour.
In order to meet the increasing demand for food of the ever growing population [1], food production
will have to increase by 25-70% between now and 2050. All this whilst keeping in mind the food
sector accounts for ~30% of energy consumption and for almost 22% of the total greenhouse gas
emissions [2]. We have to produce more, with fewer resources – while keeping in mind sustainable
solutions in response to economic development, climate change, social justice, and other striking
Food wastage and unsustainable food consumption represent a missed opportunity to mitigate
environmental impacts generated by agriculture, thereby lowering the overall sustainability of food
systems. Change in the food industry is inevitable to avoid a crisis, even in the EU. The main key
factor could be the customer acceptance of novel food and sustainable food system solutions. `Novel
Food` can be newly developed food produced using new technologies and production processes, as
well as food which is or has been traditionally eaten outside of the EU [3].
The Food and drink industry is the largest manufacturing sector in the EU in terms of turnover, valueadded and employment [4]. According to the Hungarian Central Statistics Office, 24.56% of total
expenditure of Hungarian households was spent on food and non-alcoholic drinks in 2018 [5].
Food consumption is growing in general and expected to reach 3540 Kcal/person in 2050 [6].
According to Galli and Brunori (2013), short food supply chains can act as drivers of changes, and
also as a method to increase sustainability (in all dimensions), trust, equality and growth [7].
The main aim is to search for better solutions to be applied in our region: in partnership with the local
stakeholders, local producers.
The region of Balaton Uplands can be characterised by:
- Below the average of local purchasing power, but an intensive tourism concentrated on the
summer season due to Balaton. Some goods can be marketed in Budapest and through online
- Wine region
- Growing opportunities in rural tourism, and especially bicycle tourism, wedding tourism,
fishing tourism and conference tourism.
Good practices, experiences of similar regions will be collected and their implementation will be
examined within the study.
Collect good practices from Balaton-upland region, that could be applied regionally:
 reach national and international organisations,
 collect good practices that might be applicable regionally.
Measure / investigate the acceptance of given solutions amongst the consumers:
 reach customers with questionnaire,
 involve persons in sensory experiment.
Measure motivation amongst local stakeholders for change:
 case studies about sustainable solution in the area,
 reach small-scale farmers with questionnaires,  examine the viability of new solutions,
 measure and examine the possible effects,
involve local stakeholders in the change.
Csizmadiáné Dr. Czuppon Viktória is an assistant professor at the University of Pannonia, head of
Local for Locals Rural Development Association. Her research focuses on the Local Economic
Development (LED), Short Food Supply Chain, local products and their impact on LED.
Dr. Gyula Kasza is the head of the Risk Prevention and Education Department of NFCSO, an
honorary professor at the University of Veterinary Medicine, and a lecturer at Semmelweis
University. His research focuses on the management, identification and communication of food safety
risks, the adaptation of innovations in the food sector, food waste and food marketing.
Relevant academic journals
1. Trends in Food Science and Technology [Q1]
2. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions [Q1]
3. Sustainability [Q2]
4. British Food Journal [Q1]
[1] Hunter, M. C., Smith, R. G., Schipanski, M. E., Atwood, L. W., & Mortensen, D. A. (2017).
Agriculture in 2050: recalibrating targets for sustainable intensification. Bioscience, 67(4), 386-391.
[2] McMichael, A. J., Powles, J. W., Butler, C. D., & Uauy, R. (2007). Food, livestock production,
energy, climate change, and health. The lancet, 370(9594), 1253-1263.
[3] The official website of the European Commission. Food, farming, fisheries; Food Safety, Food;
Novel food (accessed 01.03.2021) .
[4] Fischer, C., & Schornberg, S. (2007). Assessing the competitiveness situation of EU food and
drink manufacturing industries: An index‐based approach. Agribusiness: An International
Journal, 23(4), 473-495.
[5] KSH, 2019: Annual expenditure per capita by COICOP grouping, deciles of income, region and
type of settlement (accessed 06.03.2021) .
[6] Alexandratos, N., & Bruinsma, J. (2012). World agriculture towards 2030/2050: the 2012
[7] Galli, F., & Brunori, G. (2013). Short food supply chains as drivers of sustainable development.
Evidence document.

felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2021-12-31

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