Tamás Enikő Anna
Sediment regime of rivers and related investigations


Intézmény: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem
katonai műszaki tudományok
Katonai Műszaki Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Tamás Enikő Anna
helyszín (magyar oldal): DSME
helyszín rövidítés: DSME

A kutatási téma leírása:

Formulation of the research topic*
Extremities are occuring on our rivers with increasing frequency. Besides flood events, low water periods are becoming more often so we also have to deal with these, as for some water uses low water periods are extremely harmful, not speaking of ecological problems. In frame of the morphological characterization of alluvial rivers, especially regulated and utilised river reaches, we have to look also to the morphological and morpho-dynamic parameters of floodplains, not only the main riverbed. The prerequisite to this is a sound knowledge of the sediment regime and exact sediment measurement procedures. It is a worldwide known issue that the measurement of bedload transport quantities and the general knowledge of bedload sediment transport needs to be improved, so methodological approaches also need to be revised in order to achieve this. For suspended load, comparison of the different measurement techniques and the possibilities of continuous measurement or data collection have to be examined.
River morphological problems related to sediment regime are manifested in the sediment deposition on floodplains and the erosion processes in the main riverbed. For the first issue, sediment aggradation in floodplains have to be researched, primarily in relation to the sediments transported by the rivers and the land uses (vegetation cover) prevalent in the floodplain, and the estimation and prognosis on riverbed incision processes for the latter. This can be partly done with the trend analysis and statistical investigation of mean and low waterlevels, so the improvement of hydrological statistical investigation methodologies and procedures in practice is also needed.
- to gain experience in sediment data collectin and modeling sediment processes;
- to define „low water risk” concept and elaborate suggestions on its management, furthermore to increase low water resilience;
- improve investigation and prognosis methodologies for the riverbed incision processes.
New scientific result to be achieved:
1. methodological improvement in sediment transport investigations
2. possibilities to decrease low water risks and increase low water resilience,
3. new experiences applied in sediment transport modeling
4. further developed mathematical statistical methodologies.

felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2021-06-30

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