Cséfalvay Edit
Combustion and emission of bio-based lighter fluids


Intézmény: Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
gépészeti tudományok
Pattantyús-Ábrahám Géza Gépészeti Tudományok Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Cséfalvay Edit
helyszín (magyar oldal): Energetikai Gépek és Rendszerek Tanszék
helyszín rövidítés: EGR

A kutatási téma leírása:

a.) Preliminaries:
A great challenge of the 21st century is the switch of the chemical industry from fossil based raw materials to renewable ones. Because the volume is a crucial factor at the moment, a realistic goal could be to replace the raw material needs of low-volume consumer products. A typical representative is the barbecue lighter fluid (typically consisted of a mixture of C9-C13 alkanes and alkenes), that might be replaced by a single or a mixture of compounds produced via biomass conversion. Previous studies revealed that gamma-valerolactone and ethyl-levulinate possess low vapor pressure and can burn without char formation.
b.) Aim of research:
The aim of the study is to analyze whether biomass-based compounds could replace the currently used fossil-based lighter fluids, or a mixture of chemicals produced via biomass conversion? At the current stage no research study is available in this topic in Hungary, even in the European Union. Attaining this aim the actually used lighter fluids have to be analyzed and the potential lighter fluid candidates have to be identified. After the determination of physicochemical parameters, the conditions of the combustion have to be determined and emission has to be evaluated. Further aim is to extend the research work with an environmental and safety study.
c.) Tasks, main items, necessary time:
The research works starts with the collection and evaluation of currently used lighter fluids, the identification of biomass-based candidates and the determination of their physicochemical properties that can have influence on the combustion and emission (1 semester). Determination of the physicochemical properties of charcoal; combustions experiments: study the effects of ventilation, ignition temperature and type of flame on the the emission; analysis of THC, CO and PAH concentrations; work-out of an objective evaluation method; analysis of results (5 semesters). Environmental assessment: calculation of ethanol equivalent, and ethanol equivalent –based sustainability indicator to asses environmental sustainability (1 semester). Preparation of the PhD thesis (1 semester).
d.) Required equipment:
The test equipment already exists, however its improvement is required. A calorimeter that is able to determine low-vapor-pressure compounds has to be purchased. Equipment for the determination of emission exists, calibration gases have to be purchased to maintain the continuous operation.
e.) Expected scientific results:
The above-mentioned experiments are subjects of publication since very few data are available in this research topic. The study will reveal that biomass-based compounds could replace the currently used fossil-based lighter fluids, or a mixture of chemicals produced via biomass conversion. New biomass-based candidates will be offered and their combustion and emission parameters and their environmental sustainability will be determined.

f.) References:
[1.] Edit Cséfalvay, Evaluation of Biobased Lighter Fluids, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2018, 6 (7), pp 8417–8426. (Q1, IF: 6.13)
[2.] Edit Cséfalvay, Evaluation of lighter fluids: focus on emission and sustainability, Slovak Technical University of Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia, 5 April 2018. Invited seminar
[3.] József M Tukacs, Ambrus T Holló, Nóra Rétfalvi, Edit Cséfalvay, Gábor Dibó, Dávid Havasi, László T Mika, Microwave-Assisted Valorization of Biowastes to Levulinic Acid, Chemistry Select, 2017, 2, pp. 1375-1380. (IF 1.505)
[4.] Viktória Fábos, Matthew Y. Lui, Yiu Fung Mui, Yuet Yan Wong, Laszló T. Mika, Long Qi, Edit Cséfalvay, Viktória Kovács, Tibor Szűcs, and István T. Horváth, Use of Gamma-Valerolactone as an Illuminating Liquid and Lighter Fluid, ASC Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2015, 3 (9) pp.1899-1904 (Q1) (IF: 5.267)

előírt nyelvtudás: english
felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2020-10-24

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