Medvegy Gabriella
New Wish of the City - After Urbanism!


Intézmény: Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Breuer Marcell Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Medvegy Gabriella
helyszín (magyar oldal): PTE MIK BMDI
helyszín rövidítés: BMDI

A kutatási téma leírása:

As a contemporary vision, the picture of placing greenery in the built environment is becoming clear in the minds of today’s architects. This is a new design method. The ‘Living Environment’ is an inspiring effect. The symbiosis of the ‘building’ and the ‘greenery’ is made certain; the designed building is formed by nature, just like a surreal vision with easy indications for its urban origin.
Regarding to the above mentioned visions, the designed building is formed together with its surroundings. The greenery is becoming ‘substantial’ (so to say a construction material) around the building. The elements of ‘living nature’, the ‘weather’, the ‘soil’, the ‘mud’, the ‘fog’ (etc.) become ‘building materials’ and important parts of the concept.
The phenomenon characteristic of the design process is nothing more than the result of the changed thinking about living in a city; when the needs of the ‘neo-urbanised’ humans are built into the conception by the designer during the design process, and the designers are inspired by the new manifesto ‘back to the nature’. The ‘neo-urbanised’ types of humans are highly skilled, escaping from the city despite of using every corner of it. Nevertheless, these new citizens cannot change their environmental footprint any more – even with the help of the above mentioned urban and ecological aspects –, and the designed project at the end cannot be as ‘natural’ as it was understood in the old times. Instead of the idiom ‘natural’, it is better to use ‘craft-designed’, ‘ecological’, ‘sustainable’, ‘agri-tectural’ (after DC+Renfro), or the expressions of ‘urban-design’, or ‘landscape-urbanism’ have to be used – in fact, today’s ‘renaissance man’ is being reborn now. The architectural project almost becomes a sociological case study whether the designer wants it or not – we can even call it a ‘pathography’. I guess a new type of design method is emerging.

előírt nyelvtudás: magyar
felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2019-08-31

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