Rohács Dániel
Assessing Operators (Pilot, Air Traffic Controller)’ Total Loads and Evaluating Aeronautical Decision-Making


Intézmény: Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
közlekedés- és járműtudományok
Kandó Kálmán Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Rohács Dániel
helyszín (magyar oldal): Repüléstudományi és Hajózási Tanszék
helyszín rövidítés: RHT

A kutatási téma leírása:

This research project is aimed at monitoring and managing operators (Pilot, Air Traffic Controller)’ total loads including work, task, information, communication and mental load. In addition to this “hesitation frequency” and „decision-making time” of operators will be calculated by Lorenz attractor under realistic flight scenarios in the flight simulator of the Department of Aeronautics and Naval Architecture at BME and real flight environment. Advances in sensor and data integration technologies in the current aviation systems, allow researchers to collect, measure, monitor, and evaluate data prospectively with innovative devices. Such applications like microsensor, eye-tracking device, heart rate monitor, electrodermal activity (EDA) device, motion cameras and outside measuring equipment can be used in the flight simulator and real-environment. Operators’ measurable health parameters will be continuously measured and stored in real-time. The autonomous system recognize will recognize the operator in the loop and then start to continuously measure and store all the parameters in real time on the subject in the operator environment including eye movement, blink rate, skin resistivity, and heart rate, etc. The autonomous system will decide what is the normal or abnormal value for each of the vital health parameters for a specific subject from the continuously stored data. In the case, if the system detects any sharp changes in the operator’ vital health parameter(s) or unbalanced loads (overload or underload situation), the system first generates some suggestions to the operators which will be shown on their screens, and sends alerts and warning messages to the managers and supervisors. If the operators in the loop are incapable of dealing with the routine tasks or failure, the control of aircraft will able to take over from the pilots in the loop by ground operators or the fatigue ATCOs can be replaced with the fresh ones. All the measure parameters will be stored in a “Psychological Black Box” in cockpit or Air Traffic Control Center. There is still no such system neither in cockpits nor in control towers to assess operators (pilots, ATCOs)' total loads (work, task, info, communication, mental) to catch operator errors in real-time. According to a survey of the U.S. NASA Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS), 85 per cent of aviation incidents or accidents can be traced to human errors. The proposed operator’s load monitoring and management system and phsycological black box will reduce the rate of aviation incidents and accidents.

Moreover, one of our EU- supported project proposals has been officially accepted by the European Commission recently.

Project name: "ERASMUS + KA205 - Strategic Partnerships for Youth" (Call 2020 Round 3 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices)
Project title: Youth Based Entrepreneurship Network of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Industry and Technologies
Project Participants:
-Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Department of Aeronautics and Naval Architecture (Dr. Dániel Rohács, Dr. Utku Kale, Dr. Dávid Sziroczák)
- Malta University
- International Sustainable Aviation and Energy Research Society (SARES)
- Eskisehir Technical University

The research of the potential applicants will be supported by this project as well.

előírt nyelvtudás: English, intermediate
ajánlott nyelvtudás (magyar oldal): English
további elvárások: 
Basic knowledge in Transportation

felvehető hallgatók száma: 4

Jelentkezési határidő: 2021-09-10

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