Thesis topic proposal
Péter Osváth
Quality of life in old age


Institute: University of Pécs
clinical medicine
Doctoral School of Clinical Neurosciences

Thesis supervisor: Péter Osváth
Location of studies (in Hungarian): PTE ÁOK Pécs, Szigeti u. 12.
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÁOK

Description of the research topic:

In the aging Western societies, preserving and, where possible, improving the functionality and quality of life of the elderly is becoming increasingly important. The quality of life of the elderly is influenced by a number of specific factors, including various physical and mental illnesses and other important psycho-socio-cultural factors. In our research, we want to examine the quality of life of the elderly population in a multifactorial model, especially with regard to the assessment of common mental disorders such as minor and major cognitive disorders, and depression. According to our hypothesis, early recognition and effective management of these can help to preserve and improve the quality of life.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-16

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