Thesis topic proposal
András Micsik
Distributed knowledge graphs


Institute: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
computer sciences
Doctoral School of Informatics

Thesis supervisor: András Micsik
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Institute for Computer Science and Control
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZTAK

Description of the research topic:

The increasing uptake of knowledge graph technologies raises new questions and challenges regarding the distribution of knowledge graphs. The quantity and dynamicity of information stored creates a need for knowledge distribution instead of the current centralized approaches (e.g. Wikidata). The task of the PhD student is to analyze the provider, consumer and prosumer viewpoints of knowledge graphs and to invent and experiment with new methods improving the distribution of knowledge graphs. There is a possibility to join a COST Action in this research.

Required language skills: English
Further requirements: 
- Knowledge of distributed computing models, replication mechanisms
- Practice with graph databases is an advantage
- Experience with RDF, SPARQL is an advantage

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2023-05-31

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