Thesis topic proposal
Bence Takács
Investigation of the GNSS Integrity for Safety of Life Application


Institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
earth sciences
Pál Vásárhelyi Doctoral School of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Bence Takács
Location of studies (in Hungarian): BME Általános- és Felsőgeodézia Tanszék
Abbreviation of location of studies: BMEAF

Description of the research topic:

The Department of Geodesy and Surveying at BME and its industrial partners have been engaged in the safety-of-life applications of the GNSS-technique in the past several years. The former investigations mainly focused on the algorithms to process raw pseudorange and carrier phase measurement and on the theoretical and physical bases of the models used to reduce the effect of systematic errors on raw data. The subject of recent activities has been the introduction of such applications in the field of aviation in Hungary. During the past years, procedures based on GNSS technique were planned and partly published for two airports in Hungary with the contribution of our Department. The actual performance of GNSS technique, like accuracy, integrity, availability and continuity were checked and analyzed in advance. According to our results, the requirements of CAT-1 category can be met within the coverage area of EGNOS corrections, and also within Hungary. The GNSS-technique might be a good opportunity to replace the fairly expensive radio navigation techniques, like ILS.
Possible research topics: analysis of the performance of GNSS technique with Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) as function of space and time; extension of coverage area involving permanent GNSS stations; vulnerabilities of GNSS. Improving the integrity of SBAS GNSS positioning by using several satellite systems (e.g. Glonass and Galileo), by adjusting the models, like the troposphere model and by using dual frequency measurements in order to eliminate the effect of ionosphere. By improving the integrity, more rigorous requirements in the navigation domain might be met.
Research activity should also focus on processing raw static and kinematic GNSS measurements in order to validate the developed algorithms and models. Processing should be carried out by own software. For the interpretation of the results, a huge amount of data are to be analyzed, so the applicant needs to have good skills in computer programming and should be able to manage databases effortlessly.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2022-12-20

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