Thesis topic proposal
Ferenc Mészáros
Setting conditions of mobility based pricing in road transportation


Institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
transportation and vehicle engineering
Kálmán Kandó Doctoral School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering

Thesis supervisor: Ferenc Mészáros
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Department of Transport Technology and Economics
Abbreviation of location of studies: KUKG

Description of the research topic:

a./ Antecedents: The road users pay, athough multilaterally, but only partly the costs of transportation. The social cost based pricing method contributes to internalising the external costs of road transportation. The proposed new pricing elements are in contrast to the smart pricing principles, therefore a simple addition to the current burdens leads to further inefficiencies in the pricing system. The smart pricing principles propose clear and simple pricing instruments based on users-polluters pay principle, also taking into consideration equity and efficiency dimensions. The initiatives in transport policy exist, but the implementation is still ahead.

b./ Aim of research: The general objective is exploring and evaluating the current pricing methods and pricing instruments in road transportation, setting up theoretical background of a purely mobility based (i.e. without any flat rate instruments) pricing system, using the transport accounts approach, and critically reviewing the conditions of real implementation in practice.

c./ Tasks to be performed, their main elements, time requirement:
1. Literature review, setting up the state-of-the-art, even in theory and in practice – 1 year.
2. Elaborating theoretical background of mobility based pricing in road transportation. – 1,5 year.
3. Verification of the new pricing approach, analysing requirements of implementation – 1,5 year.

Required language skills: English medium level
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): German medium level
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2022-12-31

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