Thesis topic proposal
Gábor Király
Characteristics of development and learning organisations


Institute: Budapest Business University
business and management
Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business

Thesis supervisor: Gábor Király
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Budapest Business Shool
Abbreviation of location of studies: BGE

Description of the research topic:

The focus of the topic is on what organisational conditions and practices are to be established to create a learning organisation. Further thoughts on the topic tend to lead into the direction of deliberately developmental organisations, where—in addition to the development of learning capabilities—a special significance is given to the ongoing development of the staff itself.
A number of research findings could be arrived at concerning organisational learning processes and the environmental factors that facilitate organisational learning. As it has been noted, there is a certain irony in the fact that while educational establishments are concerned with learning and the transfer of knowledge, at the same time they strongly resist organisational changes and any modification of the learning process.
A number of interesting research questions and dilemmas may be formulated around this phenomenon. Communities of practice could be examined, for instance, that are able to operate under unfavourable environmental conditions and facilitate the development of their members, thus the learning of certain organisational units in the long run. Consequently, answers could be sought to research questions like what goals, values and motivation help form such communities and how they are sustained. Also, an interesting question could be that out of a codified stock what organisational learning practices could be adapted to educational establishments.
While the first range of questions implies a case-study based methodological approach, the second group could be researched by using organisational action research methods.

Expected output/outcome of research: During the research the PhD student can understand better the relationships between individual, group-based and organisational learning, she will be able to communicate her findings towards organisations, as well as she might become the expert of the chosen and utilised methodological tools.

Required language skills: angol

Deadline for application: 2023-05-31

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