Thesis topic proposal
Willingness to transfer knowledge between generations at the workplace


Institute: Budapest Business University
business and management
Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business

Thesis supervisor: Tímea Juhász
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Budapest Business School
Abbreviation of location of studies: BGE

Description of the research topic:

Nowadays, knowledge management and in particular knowledge transfer are common research fields in management sciences. Similarly, generation research is also a highly popular topic. We connect these two fields in the research to examine the willingness of different generations to transfer knowledge in a single company, the role of corporate HR department in this context, and the expectations of employees with various age groups for the return of their knowledge both from the organisation and other colleagues. Another research question is whether or not employers address this issue and any identifiable economic benefit arises from dealing with this issue either for the organisation or the individuals.
In the research we set up a model to prove which knowledge transfer rela-tions exist between various generations and which variables can be assigned to their expectations during the process. We identify variables to measure the beneficial effects of the willingness to transfer knowledge on the organisation and the individuals.
During the research, students will be able to distinguish between knowledge transfer methods. They can identify the characteristics of each generation and integrate them into the HR system.
The possible result of the research: the methods of knowledge transfer in each generation show differences.

Required language skills: angol

Deadline for application: 2023-05-31

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