Thesis topic proposal
Judit Hidasi
Culture specific tools of soft-power in the economic and business diplomacy


Institute: Budapest Business University
business and management
Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business

Thesis supervisor: Judit Hidasi
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Budapest Business School
Abbreviation of location of studies: BGE

Description of the research topic:

The term „soft-power” is a relatively new concept but it has already gained great attention and for that matter application worldwide. In a world of rivalry, alongside with the classical methods of power enforcement, each country is increasingly keen to attain influence in order to attract interest and recognition. As a form of country-branding this is a necessary attempt to gain appropriate position in the international arena. This is a prerequisite for a given country to achieve recognition and appreciation among others also in the field of economic, entrepreneurial and business life. It is the task of economic and business diplomacy to accomplish this improvement in position, which in its turn could positively impact international economic relations in general, and incoming investments and foreign trade in particular. In this process the methods of soft-power could be put more intensively into use. Applying soft-power is though culture specific in terms of methods and forms across countries. The analysis of the inventoire of these methods and the application of the possibilities offered by soft-power for economic and business purposes is a promising field of development for economic diplomacy. The ultimate goal is to enlarge the pool, to discover covert potentials and to innovatively implement methods applicable for Hungary by observing and studying the culture specific soft-power methods of other countries,

Research and learning outcomes:
• The PhD student discovers the different methods and possibilities of soft-power application and use in general.
• The PhD student is able to distinguish among the culture-specific solutions of soft-power application in economic and business diplomacy.
• The PhD graduate has the knowledge and skills to contribute to the improvement of the Hungarian application methods and practices.

Required language skills: English
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): English

Deadline for application: 2023-05-31

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