Thesis topic proposal
Economic aspects of corporate workforce management


Institute: Budapest Business University
business and management
Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business

Thesis supervisor: Arnold Tóth
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Budapest Business School
Abbreviation of location of studies: BBS

Description of the research topic:

The efficient management of the workforce is of paramount importance for companies in general and smaller businesses in particular. The issue has already been addressed in a number of disciplines, including management and economics. The latter focuses primarily on the problem of optimal labour utilization, using models developed for this purpose. Nepenthes, human capital theories, as well as new approaches complementing the mainstream of labour economics and general economics cannot be ignored either.

Businesses must, of course, also take employee motivation into account. In addition to rational considerations based on traditional economic schemes, psychological factors must also be considered here.

The research question can focus on the problem of the efficient use of labour by enterprises, its financial aspects, the refinement of the models based on it, the analysis in terms of case studies. The motives behind employee decision-making, supplemented by in-sights into behavioural economics, may be examined.

By studying the problems mentioned above, the doctoral student will be able to apply theoretical approaches to the topic in practice and to formulate novel results based on the conclusions of his/her research.

The economic analysis of the workforce has long been the subject of the discipline. Compared to the importance of the topic, it has sub-areas that have escaped the interest of a wider professional audience. The international literature offers ample opportunity for research. The journals specializing in the topic convey the most up-to-date knowledge to those interested.

Required language skills: English
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): English

Deadline for application: 2023-05-30

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