Thesis topic proposal
Zoltán Krajcsák
Modelling Employee Commitment in Management Systems


Institute: Budapest Business University
business and management
Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business

Thesis supervisor: Zoltán Krajcsák
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Budapest Business School
Abbreviation of location of studies: BGE

Description of the research topic:

Understanding the nature of the employee commitment is a prerequisite for organizations to effectively develop retention management actions. The aim of this modelling in occupational psychology is to examine the relationship between the already known dimensions of commitment and other organizational and individual variables. In the modelling, for example, motivational strategies can be identified that target specific dimensions of employee commitment, resulting in a self-sustaining workplace attitude. Commitment is also important in areas such as the prevention and the management of organizational conflicts or even the application of quality management systems where the employees’ commitment attitude is also needed. researching this very topical issue nowadays, the PhD student with his or her advisor can develop new models that offer managers solutions may be used immediately in practice. Deepening in the topic provides an opportunity for the student to understand the relationships between the variables of organizational psychology that are learned from previous studies and known from the practical experience.

Required language skills: English
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): English

Deadline for application: 2023-05-30

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