Thesis topic proposal
Gabriella Spengler
Reversal of multidrug resistance in various tumor cell lines


Institute: University of Szeged
theoretical medicine
Doctoral School of Interdisciplinary Medicine

Thesis supervisor: Gabriella Spengler
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Orvosi Mikrobiológiai és Immunbiológiai Intézet
Abbreviation of location of studies: OMI

Description of the research topic:

The use of anticancer chemotherapy is complicated by its low bioavailability, disadvantageous side effects due to non-selective cytotoxic activity and the emergence of multidrug resistance, whereby tumors show resistance to chemotherapeutic agents of different structure and mechanism of action. The two main mechanisms of MDR are the failure of apoptosis induction and overexpression of energy-dependent efflux pumps. Considerable number of compounds have been described with the ability to inhibit the function of the ABCB1 efflux pump. An emerging therapeutic strategy is the use of chemosensitizers as adjuvants, reversing the MDR phenotype in cancer cells. The main goal of our research is to to find new, effective drugs to reverse multidrug resistance and provide new therapeutic approaches using these molecules alone or in combination with standard anticancer drugs.

Required language skills: english
Further requirements: 
degree in Biology or Pharmaceutical Sciences or Medical Sciences

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2023-01-31

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