Thesis topic proposal
The Rough Set Theory and its Applications


Institute: University of Debrecen
computer sciences
Doctoral School of Informatics

Thesis supervisor: Péter Takács
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Debrecen, Doctoral School of Informatics
Abbreviation of location of studies: DE IK

Description of the research topic:

In computer science, the concept of rough set was introduced around 1991 by Polish computer scientist Zdzisław I. Pawlak. Since then, the theory has expanded and practical applications have evolved in various areas of data analysis. The first step of the doctoral work is to learn the theoretical foundations and computer implementations (mainly R packages). Then the aim is to compare and develop the results of the statistical procedures and the rough set analyzes.

• Pawlak, Zdzisław (1991). Rough Sets: Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Data. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7923-1472-1.
• Polkowski, L. (2002). Rough sets: Mathematical foundations. Advances in Soft Computing.
• RoughSets: Data Analysis Using Rough Set and Fuzzy Rough Set Theories - https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RoughSets/index.html
• Maurizio d’Amato (2007). Comparing Rough Set Theory with Multiple Regression Analysis as Automated Valuation Methodologies. International Real Estate Review 2007. Vol. 10 No. 2: pp. 42 – 65.
• Nagy, Dávid ; Mihálydeák, Tamás ; Aszalós, László (2020). Graph Approximation on Similarity Based Rough Sets. Pollack Periodica, 15 : 2 pp. 25-36. , 12 p. (2020)

Deadline for application: 2022-11-15

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