Thesis topic proposal
Early cinema as new media


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies

Thesis supervisor: Izabella Füzi
Location of studies (in Hungarian): teacher's room
Abbreviation of location of studies: 0144

Description of the research topic:

Moving images are temporal interventions in the history of visuality. By introducing a mobile gaze in space and time, cinema – especially in its fictional mode ¬‒ virtualized the gaze by divorcing it from the moving body, eliminated the fixed distance between the viewer and the viewed. To historize cinema and cinematic spectatorship means to understand both the historical moment of the emergence of moving images and the historical configurations of sites, dispositifs, apparati and institutions of moving images. This can be carried out by the archeological analysis of concepts like recording, reproducibility, circulation, performance, contemplation, immersion, absorption, interaction, etc. By locating and analyzing the tropes and figures of the historical discourses generating the “cinematic” as an aesthetic experience, I am interested in the way technology is implemented by and embedded in cultural practices.
Füzi Izabella: Mechanical Motion and Body Movements in Early Cinema and in Hungarian Film Theory of the 1920s. Apertúra, 2012. ősz https://www.apertura.hu/2012/osz/fuzi-mechanical-motion-and-body-movements-in-early-cinema-and-in-hungarian-film-theory-of-the-1920s

Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): english
Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2022-08-12

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