Thesis topic proposal
Dezső Csupor
Assessment of safety of safety and interactions of food supplements with medicines


Institute: University of Pécs
theoretical medicine
Doctoral School of Pharmacologycal and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Dezső Csupor
Location of studies (in Hungarian): PTE ÁOK Pécs, Szigeti u. 12.
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÁOK

Description of the research topic:

In self-medication, patients are prone to use products that do not belong to the category of medicines but to the category of food supplements. However, the use of food supplements is usually not proposed or controlled by physicians, hence there is limited information available on their utilization patterns and safety. Several prospective and retrospective studies have analysed the use and the impact of certain products in different pathologies; however, in most of the cases, the body of evidence on the safety and efficacy is insufficient. The aim of the proposed PhD research is to collect data on the use of food supplements in different patients groups by registries and to assess the efficacy and the safety of various products used in self-medication by meta-analyses as well. The primary goal of the registries is to map the pattern of use, possible interactions and adverse effects, in addition to the long-term impact on quality of life, morbidity and mortality.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2022-05-20

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