Thesis topic proposal
Anna Laura Hidegh
Critical Entrepreneurship Research


Institute: Corvinus University of Budapest
business and management
Doctoral School of Sociology and Communication Science

Thesis supervisor: Anna Laura Hidegh
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Budapest Business School
Abbreviation of location of studies: BGE

Description of the research topic:

Critical entrepreneurship research is against the mainstream neoliberal model of entrepreneurship (Ogbor, 2000), and focuses upon the impact of political, social and cultural factors on the entrepreneurial process, activities and identities (Tedmanson et al., 2012), and at the same time, it considers entrepreneurship as the vehicle of social change (Calás et al., 2009; Steyaert & Hjorth, 2008). It is engaged in giving voice to those entrepreneurial subjec-tivities, whose voice is silenced in mainstream entrepreneurial research (T. M. Cooney & Licciardi, 2019; Tedmanson et al., 2012) such as female entre-preneurs, entrepreneurs with disabilities (T. Cooney, 2008; Williams & Pat-terson, 2019), ethnic minority or immigrant entrepreneurs (Ram, 1997; Ram et al., 2017).
Dissertation proposals are expected to include the following research ques-tions:
• How are entrepreneurial identities constructed while intersecting with the identity category gender, ability, ethnicity and age?
• How can we describe the hegemonic discourse of entrepreneurial freedom?
• How could the entrepreneurship contribute to reducing social ine-qualities? How can the entrepreneurship become the vehicle of re-sistance against the status quo (patriarchal and/or ableist social or-der)?

Conducting research in the field of critical entrepreneurship studies provides the opportunity to the candidate to develop his or her skills in critical reflection and to being able to understand entrepreneurial problems as part of the broader socio-economic system. Results might contribute to revealing and reducing social inequalities reproduced through entrepreneurial activities, or to discover new ways of how to challenge frozen power asymmetries in contemporary societies through entrepreneurial activities.

Required language skills: angol

Deadline for application: 2022-05-31

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