Thesis topic proposal
Andrea Szabó
Examination of the efficacy of in vivo simulation trainings in surgery


Institute: University of Szeged
theoretical medicine
Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Medical Scienses

Thesis supervisor: Andrea Szabó
Location of studies (in Hungarian): ÁOK Sebészeti Műtéttani Intézet
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÁOK

Description of the research topic:

Co-Tutor:Prof. Jorge Correia-Pinto, Hospital of Braga, University of Minho, ICVS, Braga, Portugal
Participant: Dr. Péter Etlinger

In the present studies, learning curves of pediatric residents with different level of laparoscopic experience are compared: an advanced group, where pediatric surgery fellows has previous experience of basic laparoscopic procedures in humans and a beginner group which did not have any previous experience with minimally invasive surgery, but underwent a basic systematic box-trainer training in a preparatory period. Using a multimodal evaluation approach, we examine (1) how a pediatric surgery-oriented standardized training performed in-vivo on laboratory animals influences the learning curve of the participants, (2) how the improvement in these skills can be quantified and (3) how many repetitions of these in vivo surgery tasks will enable the participants to carry out complex advanced laparoscopic procedures in humans (translation).

Required language skills: english
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): angol B2
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2022-04-06

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