Thesis topic proposal
Mónika Garai-Fodor
Zoltán Veres
Generation-specific aspects of value-based consumer behaviour


Institute: University of Pannonia
business and management
Doctoral School of Business and Management

Thesis supervisor: Zoltán Veres
co-supervisor: Mónika Garai-Fodor
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Pannonia
Abbreviation of location of studies: PE

Description of the research topic:

Description of the research topic:
1/ The primary pillar of the research is value-based behaviour theories, which considers value orientation as the ultimate indicator of the specific choice of products and services behind consumer decisions.
In addition, the research reflects the differences between the generations that can be well differentiated according to value orientation, their specificities that can be traced in consumer decision-making and customer behaviour. The task of the research is to examine which customer decisions are dominated by individual values, how the value system influences the outcome of the purchase, the output of the product, service or brand selection, taking into account generational characteristics.

2 Supporting the importance and timeliness of the named narrower research topic, referring to the most important national and international publications on the topic.

Changes in the value system should not be disregarded when examining consumer habits. It is no coincidence that sociological and anthropological theories are the starting point for many marketing researches, providing a basis for exploring the internal relationship between the factors determining consumer behaviour (Agnes Hofmeister-Tóth, 2003, Sharifonnasabi et al, 2017). According to the interdisciplinary approach to consumer behaviour, the value system is based on two environmental elements: cultural (Andorka, 2003; Giddens, 2003; Hawkins-Best-Coney in 1992) and social factors (Peter-Olson, 1987; Gauthier,1986; Triandis,1972; Katz, 1999).
Value measurement methods play an important role in expanding the toolkit of marketing research to enable us to provide an informed analysis of an individually related characteristic explaining consumer preference and how customer decision-making is made. By a kind of further reflection of the value measurement methods, the value system-based consumer behaviour models were born, which explain the motives of product and service choice with values.

3./ The scientific history of the research topic by presenting the relevant international and domestic literature.

In the longer term, consumer behaviour is determined by value trends (Lehota, 2001; Lehota, 2004). The value system assessment plays a decisive role in exploring the internal context of consumer behaviour (Veres, 2004, Anastasiadis et al, 2021). The individual's purchasing and consumer decision can also be interpreted as an external dimension of the individual's value system (Horváth, 1996, Horváth et al, 2005, Jäckel et al, 2013). The individual's values, consumer decisions, behaviour and product selection are interconnected on many points. The value system can explain the consumer's specific choice of product or service (Fodor, 2008; Fodor et al. 2013). The value system as a segmentation criterion can be applied in an adquated manner from the aspect of generational marketing. Values, shared experiences, identities that create opportunities for us to characterize a generation within which the identities frame the decisions of the people belonging there and at the same time distinguish them from other generations (Smurvas, 2003, Bauerová, Braciníková, 2021).
Changes in values can also be used as segmentation criteria, offering the possibility to characterize new consumer target groups. (Fodor et al. 2017; Fodor 2018, Liu, Orth, 2021, Kuzniar et al, 2021)

4./ Description of the possible research objectives

The aim of the research is to:
Examine the system of specific relationships between customer and consumer trends and value trends (Törőcsik,2016).
To demonstrate which specific product services and/or brand choices apply value system-based behavioural theories and what specific marketing conclusions this allows you to draw? (Berács, Malota, 2000)
To explore how value-oriented the decision is in line with the customer's real preference.
Analyse the extent to which the value system, as the ultimate result, can explain the internal context of the factors behind the customer decision (Szente et al, 2006).
Interpret the difference between the purchasing decisions of each generation in relation to value system (Grewal et al, 2020).

6./ The most important hungarian and international journals publishing publications on the topic classified as A-D, Q1-Q4.
• European Journal of International Management (Q2)
• Economie of Management (Q2/Q3)
• Applied Economics (A)
• Management science (B)
• Marketing and Management (C)

• ANASTASIADIS, F., APOSTOLIDOU, I., MICHAILIDIS, A. (2021): Food Traceability: A Consumer‐Centric Supply Chain Approach on Sustainable Tomato, Foods, Vol.10, 543
• ANDORKA R. (2003): Introduction to Sociology. Budapest: Osiris Publishing House 648.p
• BAUEROVÁ, R., BRACINÍKOVÁ, V. (2021): Customer's Choice of Purchasing Channel: Do Channel Characteristic, Brand, and Loyalty Matter When Shopping in Hybrid Retailers? Sustainability, Vol.13, 2453.
• BERÁCS, J. - MALOTA, E. (2000): Consumer ethnocentrism, - the relationship between ethnocentrism and country origin image in product selection. Marketing & Management, 2000./2
• FODOR M (2008): Examination of the value system and food preferences in the institutional catering market in light of primary carried out in Békés county, FARMING Special Edition No. 22: pp. 94-103. of 2008
• FODOR M. (2018): Solutions increasing the loyalty of the Z generation, in light of primary research data In: Jiri Rotschedl, Klara Cermakova (ed.) Book of Abstracts of the IISES Annual Conference. Conference place and time: Seville, Spain, 05.03.2018-08.03.2018. Prague: International Institute of
• FODOR M.,, JAECKEL K.,SZILÁGYI T.P., (2017): Proper Motivation Tools, Features of a Preferred and Non-Preferred Workplace from the Aspect of Generation Z Based on a Quantitative Research Results, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFELONG EDUCATION AND LEADERSHIP 3:(1) p. 25-32. (2017)
• GAUTHIER D. (1986): Morals by Agreement Clarendon Press Oxford In: S.NAGY,K. (eds). (2008): Values and Norms in an Interdisciplinary Approach Budapest: Thought Publisher, 223.p HAWKINS, D.-BEST R.-CONEY K.(1992) Consumer Behavior 5th ed. Irwin, Boston M.A. In: HOFMEISTER-TÓH Á. (2003): Consumer Behaviour Budapest: Aula Publishing House 325.p.
• GIDDENS ,A. (1990): The Consequences of Modernity, Cambridge : Polity Press
• GREWAL, D., HULLAND, J., KOPALLE, P.K., KARAHANNA, E. (2020): The future of technology and marketing: The Multidisciplinary Perspective, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,Vol. 48, p. 1–8
• HOFMEISTER-TÓTH Á. (2003): Consumer Behaviour Budapest: Aula Publishing House 325.p.
• HORVÁTH, A. (1996): Characteristics of consumer behaviour and food consumption. (PhD) Doctoral thesis, GATE, Gödöllő
• HORVÁTH A, FÜREDINÉ. K.A, FODOR, M.(2005): Impact of values on nutrition Nutrition, Food and Marketing II. (1-2) 69-77.p.
• JACKEL K. FODOR M., CSISZÁRIK-KOCSÍR Á., MEDVE A. (2013): Correlation between the digitalization and the media consumption habits based on international and domestic research result MACROTHEME REVIEW: THE MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF GLOBAL MACRO TRENDS 2:(5) pp. 18-24. (2013)
• KATZ D. (1999[1978]): Functional approach to the study of attitudes TK. Workshop Bp, (9). 2.34.p.
• KUZNIAR, W., SURMACZ, T., WIERZBINSKI, B. (2021): The Impact of Ecological Knowledge on Young Consumers' Attitudes and Behaviours towards the Food Market, Sustainability Vol. 13, 1984.
• LEHOTA J. (eds): (2001): Food marketing, Budapest: Technical Publisher 323.p.
• LEHOTA, J. (2004): Domestic and international trends in food consumer behaviour Nutrition, Food and Marketing, 3(2). 1-8.p.
• LIU, L., ORTH, U. (2021): Cultural Differences in Design-Based Product Evaluation: The Role of Holistic and Analytic Thinking, Sustainability, Vol. 13, 2775.
• PETER P.-OLSON J. (1987): Consumer Behavior, Irwin, Homewood III. In: HOFMEISTER-TÓTH Á. (2003): Consumer Behaviour Budapest: Aula Publishing House 325.p.
• SHARIFONNASABI, Z., BARDHI, F., LUEDICKE, M.K. (2019): How globalization affects consumers: Insights from 30 years of CCT globalization research, Marketing Theory, Vol. 20, p. 273-298.
• SZENTE V. - BROAD GY. – Z. SZAKÁLY (2006): Examination of food consumer behaviours with special attention to strategic foods (In: Food, Nutrition, Marketing, Year III (2)). 3-11.p.
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Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2022-01-31

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