Thesis topic proposal
Gyógyszerjelölt vegyületek metabolizmusának feltérképezése in vitro Investigation of metabolic pathways of drug candidates in vitro


Institute: University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest
veterinary sciences
Doctoral School of Veterinary Science

Thesis supervisor: Erzsébet Pásztiné Gere
Location of studies (in Hungarian): ATE
Abbreviation of location of studies: ATE

Description of the research topic:

Liver act as a key organ in the metabolism of several xenobiotics. In our research work, microsomes and primary hepatocytes of different animal and human origins will be used in two- and 3-dimensional (2D/3D) experimental designs to investigate the metabolic function of the liver treated with certain drug candidates in vitro. In the frame of this PhD project special emphasis will be placed on quantitative determination of concentration- and time- dependent changes in activities for CYP isoenzymes in microsomes and in hepatocytes after acute and chronic administration of drug candidates.
The experiments will include analyses of cell cytotoxicity and intracellular/extracellular reactive oxygen species to determine pharmaco-toxicological properties of investigated drug candidates. Activity measurements of xenobiotic- metabolizing CYP isoenzymes will be performed using fluorescent and luminescent procedures to characterize biotransformation routes of the applied drug candidates, to elucidate interspecies differences in hepatic metabolic processes and to establish reliable and precise method for prediction of drug interactions.

Required language skills: angol
Further requirements: 
1. diploma of veterinary medicine, medical biotechnology (MSc), PharmD
2. English language knowledge (min. B2 level)
3. experience in research work
4. problem solving and computational skills
5. strong commitment for research

Deadline for application: 2021-05-31

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