Thesis topic proposal
András Kovács
Online and offline spaces and places in marketing and commerce


Institute: Budapest Business University
business and management
Doctoral School of Entrepreneurship and Business

Thesis supervisor: András Kovács
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Budapest Business School
Abbreviation of location of studies: BGE

Description of the research topic:

The objectives of the topic are focused on spatial processes in marketing and commerce. In the research framework of this topic, spatiality of marketing and sales are in the focus (Place-related issues in the 4P-model). These days, besides the offline marketing and sales activities, spatial problems in online marketing and commerce, as well as the integration of offline and online spaces have become more and more important. The successful implementation of the cross-, multi-, and omnichannel marketing concepts are crucial for long-term business success.
Research questions:
• How can shopping behavioural patterns in offline and online spaces be described?
• How will the “classic” term of “gravity zone” change due to the new online spaces? What kind of effect does it have on corporate strategies applied by shopping centres or hypermarket chains?
• How can the macro and micro environment of offline and online markets be described and characterized?
• What are the most important factors of successful omnichannel strategies by small and large (international) companies?
Novel pieces of knowledge and skills in the research process
The doctoral student get acquainted with the non-trivial understanding of social spaces (absolutistic, relativistic, postmodern, etc. space interpretations) and the business relevancies of social space. During the doctoral research the student will use novel methods and procedures for space research: spatial statistics, GIS (geographical information systems), spatial analyses, tools and indicators.
Expected/potential results of the research
In the doctoral research procedure the student will gather solid knowledge on the characteristics of spatial dimensions in social and business processes, furthermore the student will understand how spatial processes influence the business success of a company or a business sector. In the doctoral research the student will be able to use all theoretical knowledge, applied methods and techniques for the improvement of the business and marketing performance of a company, sector or region.

Required language skills: angol

Deadline for application: 2021-08-31

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