Thesis topic proposal
Form-making Utopias


Institute: Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest
fine arts
Hungarian University of Fine Arts Doctoral School

Thesis supervisor: János Sugár
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Hungarian University of Fine Arts Doctoral School Feszty House, 1063 Budapest Kmety Gy. u. 27.
Abbreviation of location of studies: MKE

Description of the research topic:

Form-making Utopias
In this thematic the medium-conscious study and critique of modernistic tradition is in centre: research from the aspect or angle of form. As a general principle we can state that in our time artistic freedom is still the least controlled, and that's why we can study those structures with the tool of radical interpretation. The critical competence of art is questioned now by populists everywhere, in many local dialects. Art is the last refuge of free speech, which must be carefully guarded and preserved above all. Solutions for future problems can be found only if we keep watch over this freedom.
Within this (framework) the thematic could be focused on:
a) narrative content
Everything wich could fit in the notion of narrative content plays a central role in the culture of our time. Dramaturgy, the careful design of the sequence of a process is an important ordering principle from commerce to public life, so the research of the possibilities of narration (i.e. in the field of staged photography, video art, public art) could be an instructive lesson.
b) political content
The political and financial power has peculiar expectations towards art. In the same time the artistic sensiblity concquered territories which weren’t the objects of atristic practice, activism, street art, etc. The new sense of public spaces broadened the notion of public artworks.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2021-04-15

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