Thesis topic proposal
Mónika Pogátsnik
Methodological examination of different educational environments, health and safety aspects


Institute: Universitas Budensis
military engineering
Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Mónika Pogátsnik
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Obuda University, Budapest, Népszínház utca 8.
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÓEBDI

Description of the research topic:

21st century education involves the creation of several new, flexible learning pathways and new types of learning environments with a focus on the student-centered approach, which support effective learning in different ways, helping to acquire 21st century skills. The use of a wide variety of learning environments also involves a number of security, privacy and health risks.
The aim of the research is to review the methodological possibilities of different educational environments (traditional, online and hybrid) as well as knowledge base sharing in the teaching of STEM subjects. Meeting the needs of 21st century workers, methodological support for soft skills, competencies such as communication skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, skills for collaboration, teamwork, leadership skills, especially in the STEM sectors. Health protection examination of different educational environments, revealing the sources of stress, stress management methods, ergonomic conditions for the optimal design of the learning environment, the appropriate permissions, data protection issues, the issue of using secure applications, and the safety awareness of the participants.

Required language skills: english
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): english
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2021-01-31

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