Thesis topic proposal
Zsolt Pirger
Neuronal effects of human-derived drug residues at the cellular and molecular levels in great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis).


Institute: University of Pannonia
environmental sciences
Doctoral School of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Zsolt Pirger
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Institute of Environmental Science, Department of Limnology, Veszprém
Abbreviation of location of studies: PE-LT

Description of the research topic:

The goal of the project is to obtain molecular insight into chemical changes in functioning snail neurons, and their modification by environmental chemical (human-derived pharmaceutical residues) exposure. The ability to selectively analyse these neurons with single cell resolution enables us to detect specific molecular changes that would be obscured in bulk analysis. We will achieve single cell resolution by targeting large neurons of interest (e.g., neurons associated with feeding, learning, reproduction) in a semi-intact preparation of the central nervous system of the great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis). Using the capillary microsampling ESI-MS approach, we will sample the cytoplasm of the functioning cell in vivo. Comparing the biochemical composition (metabolites, peptides) of these neurons in trained snails with the same neurons from (untrained) control group the associated biochemical changes will be determined. Capillary microsampling ESI-MS will provide the first glimpse at these processes in a functioning cell at the level of small molecules.
We will study the effect of environmental exposure of the snails to anthropogenic agents (e.g., selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, psychoactive drugs, etc.) known to be present in Lake Balaton (the largest shallow lake in central Europe), on the biochemical profiles of the targeted neurons implicated in the physiological process.

Required language skills: english
Further requirements: 
MSc in Biology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology or Chemistry. Advantage: research experience in metabolite and peptide analysis, their characterization and identification using (HPLC) MS methods.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2021-01-31

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