Thesis topic proposal
Zoltán Szepes
Operative endoscopic interventions


Institute: University of Szeged
theoretical medicine
Theoretical Medicine Doctoral School

Thesis supervisor: Zoltán Szepes
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Universitas of Szeged Facultas of Medicine 1-st Deparment of Internal Medicine
Abbreviation of location of studies: IN1ST

Description of the research topic:

The rapid development of endoscopic technique with the new innovations has been allowed the performance of therapeutic endoscopic interventions both in benign and malignant gastrointestinal diseases. However, the role of these inventions in the therapeutic protocols has not been clearly determined yet, and there is a lot of open question about the detailed techniques of procedures. Therefore, the aims of our research to compare the efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness of these endoscopic interventions with conventional treatments. The following interventions will be assessed:
1. endoscopic palliation of locally advanced or metastatic gastrointestinal cancers such as self expandable metal stent implantation in case of malignant oesophageal, duodenal and biliary obstructions, EUS-guided tumor oblation in case of solid or cystic pancreatic cancers.
2. efficacy and safety of endoscopic removal of early colorectal cancers
3. endoscopic management of benign gastrointestinal disorders including the comparison of endoscopic band ligation and argon plasma coagulation in case of GAVE syndrome and radiation proctitis, or the endoscopic management of anastomic colon strictures.

Required language skills: english

Deadline for application: 2020-08-20

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