Thesis topic proposal
Károly Gulya
Pheno- and genotyping of microglial cells in vivo and in vitro


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School of Biology

Thesis supervisor: Károly Gulya
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine, University of Szeged
Abbreviation of location of studies: SzTE

Description of the research topic:

Microglial cells are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS) that constantly monitor the integrity of the nervous tissue. These cells are ramified in rest and amoeboid when activated. These two populations are always present in the CNS and differ in both morphology and function. During pathophysiological conditions, large number of bone marrow-derived monocyte/macrophage cells enter the nervous tissue from the periphery resulting in a local enrichment; together with the intensively dividing resident microglial cells they participate in a number of neurodegenerative and –regenerative processes. We demonstrated earlier that in rat embryonal mixed primary cultures microglial cells form a heterogenous population that differ not only morphologically or functionally but react differently under certain experimental conditions. We plan to investigate the gene expression profiles of these populations together with their morphological and functional properties and compare them to those in pure microglial (secondary) cultures. Using our results from in vitro studies we plan to localize these different populations during the normal aging in rodent models and Alzheimer's diseased human brains. These studies could shed light to novel therapeutic approaches in neurodegenerative and –regenerative processes that involve microglial proliferation.

Required language skills: English B2 (intermediate)
Further requirements: 
The English certificate must be an international language exam (e.g.: TOEFL iBT test score of 90, or PBT score 550; Cambridge First Certificate "B"; IELTS score of 5.0).

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2020-09-25

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