Thesis topic proposal
Éva Erdős
The Scientific Foundation of the Law of Public Finances


Institute: University of Miskolc
Ferenc Deak Doctoral School of Law

Thesis supervisor: Éva Erdős
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Miskolci Egyetem ÁJK
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÁJK

Description of the research topic:

Learning of the Law of Public Finances: Branches of law relating to delimitation of the Financial Law (public finance management ,public finances, tax law, banking law, law of business finances),learning the development trends of the Financial Law, learning science research methodology and theoretical knowledges of the law of public finances.

European Tax Law: Getting to know the steps and methods, instruments of the European tax harmonization, getting to know the law sources of the direct and indirect taxes.

Law of the Stock Exchange: Development tendencies of the national and European banking law and law of the Stock exchanges, and examine the special fields of it.

Tax law relating to the foreign direct investments.

Harmful tax competition: barriers of the free movement of capital, definition of the harmful tax competition, fields of the harmful tax competition, the theories and practices, fighting against the harmful tax competition.

Fundamental principles of the international tax law, legal sources of the avoidance the international double taxation, and analyzing the relationship with the European tax law.

The clarification of the topic will be concluded according to the research plan discussed by the applicants and supervisors.

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2020-09-30

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